3.Whole New World

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I woke up to chattering. My head was pounding and my vision was blurry. I layed up from the bed I was in and tried to make sense of what happened. I looked around and it look like a cell but it had no bars. Suspicious, I took a cup off the floor and threw it to where the bars were supposed to be. Instead of coming out the other side, it disintegrated. I casted a spell towards the doorway and it sent my spell back at me. Before the spell could hit me I dodge resulting in a two feet hole in the wall. I blinked a couple times confused on how that was even possible.

I guess the NYPD is upgrading their cells.

A few minuts later, two men came into my cell. They were both wearing white and purple uniforms. Both of their eyes were blood red, making wonder if they were just like me. But what I really wanted to know was what was going on. The one who caught me took me by the wrists and put a bracelet on each of my wrists.

"You're not gonna put cuffs on me?" I asked with an attitude. He didn't answer. I tried moving my hands apart but it felt as if there was a force coming  from the bracelets to keep my hands together. Before I could react, the other man injected me in the back of my neck causing me to pass out again.

I woke up to find myself sitting in a chair. I looked up and saw a group of people, all dressed like judges, stitting on two rows of raised platforms. But something was off about them. Some had red eyes just like the "officers" but some looked as if they were mystical beings. One woman had one eye while the man next to her had a snake for a tail.

What's going on?

I looked around and noticed that the place looked like a high-tech courtroom. I tried to get up from the chair but the same force I felt from the bracelets, I was feeling from the chair also. My heartrate began to increase from the nervousness and fright from what was going on. Soon the room's silence was replaced with a man's voice.

"Catcher 8i3, please read the charges to The Council." He said sternly.

"Certainly, uh we caught her feeding on a human, in public on Earth. Also we believe to think that she may be one of the runaways that have been sneaking onto Earth." He said as he walked towards the raised platforms.

"What the hell are you talking ab...."

The other Catcher pulled my head back by my hair causing me to scream in pain. 

"You do not speak unless spoken to." He growled.

"8i3, then why has she been brought before us? You know we only deal with important cases and you have the audacity to waste our time." One of the judges shouted.

As the man let go of my hair, the other man continued to speak. "Well your excellences, my partner and I realized that she has the scent of a human and her blood has the scent of a human as well." The Council started to mumur. A beautiful blonde woman with red eyes started to speak.

"As part vampire, I can smell her blood all the way from here. I feel as if I want her blood but them again I don't. 8i5 take a blood sample and put it in the Identifier." She said.

"Have you identified her?" Another judge  asked.

"No. She has no barcode. We believe she got removed from the Rebels, but we ar..."

My blood was boiling from the fact that I had no idea what was happening or where I  was. "Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on? Where am I? What's a Council? And why am I here?" I shouted.

The faces of the judges and Catchers were filled with confusion. One of the Catchers took a whip from his belt and was about to whip me but a judge stopped him.

"Wait." He said to him. "You have been brought before the Dimensian Council because your hybrid status can't be determined and on top of that you're a runaway." Said the judge. 

"I'm not a runaway. I have a home and a family. And you can't figure out my hybrid status because I'm not this hybrid thing you're talking about!"

The man who took a sample of my blood spoke, "Ladies and gentlemen of The Council, for the first time in the history of Dimensia, we have a human hybrid."

Everyone gasped and their heads slowly turned towards me. All eyes were on me. Just by their shocked faces, I could tell this wasn't good. "That's not possible." Said the one eyed judge.

"I'm a WHAT?"Confused from what was just said, I was in disbelief.

"What else is she ?" the blonde women asked. Everyone was at the edge of their seats including me.

"Lets see, she's also a mermaid, a nymph, a vampire  and a werewolf. She one more thing, but the Identifier can't identify it." Said 8i5.

"Let me go! Let me go right now!" I screamed. "And if you don't you'll regret it." I roared.

"How dare you threaten The Council." Said 8i3 as he pulled my hair.

"8i3, stop. Either this girl has no idea what we're talking about or she's just looking for a death wish." One of the judges said as 8i3 slowly let go of my hair. "Have you ever met another vampire or werewolf?" He asked.

"No." I replied.

"Have you ever heard of Dimensia?"


"Do you know of the magic that you possess?"

I nodded and he signed loudly.

"My fellow council members seems that this girl is indeed telling the truth. Maybe she doesn't have a barcode because she has never had one. And maybe she's never heard of Dimensia because Earth is the only home she's ever known." He implied.

He speaks as if we weren't on Earth.

"Your excellency, she could be lying." Said 8i3.

"Fool! As long as she sits in the truthchair, she can't lie. 8i5, put her information into the system and give her a barcode."He continued on with the questions.

"Full Name?"

"Verlaya Eldrima Adams."

"Date of birth?"

"July 31, 1999"


"Nora Pyrcé- foster mom and water nymph."


"Xandri Adams, Cleopatra Adams, and León Adams."

"Why can't we just kill her?" A judge screamed. "She could kill us all. Human hybrids are supposed to be a myth. Just imagine what her and her family could do to Dimensia."

What was she talking about. I'm not even that powerful and I barely know how to control my powers.

"The Council will bring your family here. As a human hybrid you could be a danger but from what I've seen, you don't seem dangerous. We will send a mass messege to all the schools in Dimensionia. If a school decides to invite a human hybrid into their school, there's no punishment. But if none of the schools choose you, you and your family will be executed. They all have one minute to respond." I waited in that chair praying that one would choose me. I was about to lose hope when the computer dinged.

"Just your luck. The best school in Dimensia chose you. 8i3 give her her barcode and 8i5 open the portal and designate it to...Parasova."

After receiving what the called a barcode on the back of my neck, I stepped into the portal cautiously, to begin a new life.

The Secrets Within Saga: The First Human Hybrid (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now