Part 1 - New Battle

Start from the beginning

Aniyah removed Hannahs hand from her mouth and said "um why?"

Hannah texted Aniyah and it said "Because.. Mason is in a gang, anddd this school is known for gangs.. and I'm a cheerleader! Do you see the problem?"

Aniyah rolled her eyes and replied saying "Okay.. how are police not involved in this!"

Hannah replied "becauseee! The gang, is a TOP gang. The future leader attends here.. anddd, He's pretty serious, and Mason is his right hands, right hand. So! Mason and I are secretly seeing each other.. Just. Don't let Jayden see you talking to Mason."

Aniyah replied "I'm not dealing with some stupid ego boys drama. Gang problems, and jock problems. Can count me out."

Then, the doors swung open to the rigt and Aniyah saw a group of five guys with sunglasses, black ripped skinny jeans, tight white t-shirts, black leather boots, and black leather jackets walk into the halls and people we're practically jumping out of their way.

Then, to the left a group of boys with light blue jeans on, varsity jackets of all sports, and plain white converse we're walking towards the leather boys and everyone was practically drooling over them. Hannah said "Oh no.."

Aniyah said "Oh great. Get to watch-" Aniyah saw her fraternal twin Jayden walk with the jock boys wearing his varsity football jacket and Aniyah looked at Hannah and said "Jayden is in this!?"

Hannah covered Aniyahs mouth and said "Shut up!"

Aniyah groaned and removed Hannah's hand from her mouth and the leather boys and the jock boys stood not even five feet away from each other, just staring at her each other. Right infront of Aniyah and Hannah.

The guy in the middle of the leather boys said "You here to apologize? Ashton."

The one in the middle of the jock boys laughed and said "us!? You attacked our player! Kaiden!"

Kaiden said "Because YOU keyd his car!"

Ashton laughed and said "I did no such thing!"

Aniyah saw a boy stare at Hannah and she instantly got red, and Aniyah knew that was Mason. He smiled secretly at her and then looked forward at the jock boys. Jayden, Aniyah's fraternal twin said "Who you looking at Mason."

Mason said "I'm looking at the fucking locker. Got a deal with it?!"

Jayden said "Watch it gang boy."

Mason said "You really wanna fight again!?"

Jayden said "Listen here-" Ashton put his hand on Jaydens chest and said "Listen Kaiden. I didn't key your boy's car."

Kaiden held out his hand and a very attractive dark skin behind him handed Kaiden a phone and Kaiden tapped it and held up the phone, and it showed a jock keying one of Kaiden's peoples cars.

Ashton looked at the guy and said "You said you didn't!"

He said "I-I did-" Jayden looked at the guy and said "You costed Ryan to get in the hospital!"

The guy looked down at his feet and Aniyah looked at him, he was clearly young and didn't know what he was doing. He honestly looked like he was 12, but a 12 year old in high school? Kaiden said "Just let us have a word with him, and we'll go on our ways."

The bell rang and everyone in the hall besides the jocks and the leather boys left, and Hannah and Aniyah we're trapped. Aniyah said "Great."

Ashton said "He's the youngest here. He doesn't know-" Jayden said "He has to learn!"

Aniyah looked at Jayden shocked. Jayden is practically allowing Kaidens boys to beat this kid for something he thought he was doing right. Kaiden raised an eyebrow and said "Yeah Ashton."

Aniyah said "Jay-" Hannah covered her mouth and said "Don't!"

Aniyah threw Hannah's hand off her and said "Stop doing that!"

All the leather boys and jock boys looked at Aniyah and Hannah instantly and Hannah covered her mouth and Aniyah rolled her eyes. Jayden's eyes widened and said "Aniyah. Go to class."

Aniyah said "I can't with your guys bitch battle going on!"

Kaiden laughed and said "Exscuse me?"

Aniyah said "Are you deaf?"

Kaiden mean mugged Aniyah and walked over to her and trapped her in his arms by slamming his hands next to her face hard against the locker, he even dented them. Aniyah looked up at him and he took off his sunglasses and Aniyah looked into his beautiful brown eyes and Kaiden said "Did you just say, a 'bitch battle'"

Aniyah pushed him back and said "Personal space. Learn it."

Aniyah grabbed Hannah's arm and pulled her away and Jayden said "Don't get involved."

Aniyah looked at him and said "Like you are? Grow up."

Aniyah walked away with Hannah and Kaiden smirked and said "Your girlfriend?"

Jayden said "None of your business what she is Kaiden." Ashton said "Look. He thought what he was doing was right. Let him go with a warning."

Kaiden said "a warning? No. I don't do warnings, specially when it comes to MY men. You either let us teach him a lession. Or.." Kaiden looked around and said "Jayden! Has to take his lession."

Jayden crossed his arms and Ashton looked at him and then at Kaiden and said "Absolutely not."

Kaiden smirked and said "Then Logan it is."

Kaiden grabbed Logans arm tightly and Jayden said "Fine! Do it to me. Leave him out of it."

Ashton said "Jayden!"

Jayden said "He's the youngest, and he probably did it because people were joking about it.. He doesn't know better."

Kaiden groaned and said "Tick tock." While tapping his very expensive watch.

Jayden walked over to Kaiden and Mason grabbed Jaydens arm and they pulled him away into a empty classroom.

Ashton looked at Logan and said "I hope you fucking learned."

End of Part One

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