Chapter 25

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Theo POV

"So when's Collae coming back?" Jeremiah asked me.


"How many days she get again?"


"That sucks," Tommy scoffed, "She was just defending herself, at least she still got to go to the formal."

"Yeah, I wish that video would stop going around," I huffed.

"At least you know you got a girl who can defend herself," Gabe shrugged.

"Yeah, better hope they don't get into a fight, they'll both be fucked up," Jermiah laughed.

"I would never put my hands on Collae, let alone any girl," I firmly said.

"Ehh..." Jeremiah's forehead crinkled, "I don't know Theo, she might just piss you off one day and you can't control yourself." I had a moment of weakness a while ago and let my anger get to me fought a guy unconscious. It was never my intention to let it get as far as it did. I was lucky I was a minor at the time and able to walk away without serious punishment.

"I would never hit her, it's sick that you think I would too," I spat. Jeremiah was beginning to be more than usual tick in my ear. He was more than negative now and it was always about Collae.

"Aight, my fault," he raised his hands up and smirked.

"It's getting weird now," I mumbled, "It's almost like you want my girl at this point."

"I'm sorry what?" He put his hand behind his ear.

"I said you're weird, acting like you want her, always got something to say, you're mad fucking annoying Jeremiah," I glared staring right at him waiting for him too say something smart back. I could feel my breathing increase and chest get tight. I had to try and calm down. I knew who this was. I knew he pushed to get underneath people's skin for his own amusement.

"Why would I want her? Hundreds of girls who want me, I've never had to chase like you," He laughed loudly then sucked his teeth, "Don't get mad at me for stating facts." He was being a dick and I wasn't going to just sit there when just his presence just erked me. I had to learn to walk away sometimes because some people and things just weren't worth a reaction.

"Y'know what? I'm out," I walked out of the cafeteria and left the building. I heard someone's feet approaching behind me, "What Gabe?"

"Where you going?" He said breathlessly.

     "I don't know," I shrugged about to get in my car, "I don't want to be around right now, I'm actually sick of this shit, all you guys do is talk bad about my now girlfriend and I'm honesty ready to just keep my distance from you guys."

     "Look, I know how Jeremiah can be and I know we've been talking shit but that's just it, look at it this way, you're the only one with an actual girlfriend right now," he chuckled.

     "You're so right, I don't even know why I let it get to me, I'm happy," I laughed, "We haven't hung out in a while you wanna come over and play the game later after I get out of practice?"

     "I got a better idea," he smirked, "A couple of seniors are meeting at a place for a little day party, might be fun."

"Hmm, I don't know," I thought about it and to go party mid week would be a little irresponsible. It was only late December and all the seniors already took their finals and having senioritis.

     "Cmon Theo, not to bring it up but you do not hang out as much, and you just said you haven't in a while," he whined.

"Yeah I said I haven't hung out with you specifically in a while... Gabe party on a Tuesday?" Maybe I'd go and just not drink.

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