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India's pov
Why why why ??? Did I have to interact with bosses daughter !! Shit I hope she don't embarrass me in front of my son cause if she do imma put some shit down on folks and em !

"Is red here ? " she looked at me up and down with a attitude with a soft light voice and with a stuck up mean mug.

She better be lucky I'm fucking her daddy cause she would've been got her ass whooped. Okurrrrrr

Yeah I'm his mother give me a second honey as I said saying to her with a fake ass smile .

"Okay " she said looking around trying not to catch eye contact . I cracked the door for the lil girl to be polite I really wanted to shut that shit right in her face with her rude ass .

"Red what's going on " I said walking over and crossing my arms around together . My son just look like a fucking lost cause . "Ma I don't know and I'm not lying and no she not my girlfriend " . "Then what is she cause I don't like fast ass little girls at my house u know I do not allow that shit " .

"Maaaa chill this is my friend Germany " as he said opening the door letting bosses daughter in "

Red pov

Man when Germany came in you can tell she was full of hurt and been betrayed but as long as she with me I wanna make her feel good mentally and physically  be her closure .

"Germany you can come upstairs and chill with me alright ?" My mom gave me this "what the fuck You doing look ", and I gave her a look back Saying "I'll explain it later " .

As I walked Germany up you would've thought it would of been weird after we fucked earlier .
Man the best pussy I've had in a minute.

If Germany up for that any day I a never decline the offer How Germany rode me no ordinary bitch rode me like that in years .

"Red, Red " "Huh" she started laughing saying "boy I know you not thinking about earlier " I looked around and caught her giving me a innocent look ,and snap out of my day dreaming saying "ohhh nahh shawty never Im not no ham ass nigga " I said holding on to my Jesus piece .

Germany looked at me smirking at me .

"Red" she asked innocently as we both layed down on my bed "whats the deal " I said rubbing her hair as we was facing each other .
You think I can stay the night with you till Sunday ? When she asked me that I looked at her like what could you possibly want to stay over here for !

"Yeah why whats going on?" Why the fuck would I say yeah and I know for sure my mom and gone be with this shits unless she cut my dick off . " "nothing I've just been going thru so much this past week and I can barely bare to go home or look at kehlani or trey " she said in such disappointment.

"Talk to me you know I'm here for you germs "
She start looking down at herself like she was Insecure at the moment. "Promise  you a still love me for who i am and won't look at me different " I'm kinda nervous about what she gone tell me now but i Just went along saying "promise. You know I got you baby".

As Germany got to venting she was talking very smoothly I kind of dazed off until she said the words that she was embarrassed of "Red ... I got raped by my dad second hand command " I immediately snapped out of my daze I immediately felt overprotective over Germany "what??? I said clenching my fist and getting up " "Red calm down .

"How can I calm when somebody touched you like that "! I said pacing around my room . "Red it's done it happened days ago " "DAYS AGO? What the fuck that shit is sick " "STOP RED THIS IS NOT GONE SOLVE NOTHING STOP STOP " I only stopped because she asked me too .

But when I see that son a bitch I'm not holding back ,no mercy no nothing, he deserve everything he had coming . Because what Germany don't know was her dads second command raped my mom 17 years ago, which got me here today he don't even know I exist till this day when he come get Germany I'm on that shit .

"Red" yo moms is calling you , Germany said looking at me up and down in a sexy way that turned me on. As i exited and turned the corner my mom was sitting there which made me bump into her .

"Red watch where you going damn " "sorry mom shit " i said laughing she look at me like she got a instant attitude she hated when I cussed . "Well what's going on with you and your girlfriend " my mom said happy , she always pressuring me to get a girlfriend . "Mommmm she not my girlfriend she's sum like that but not that yet we gone get there "

"Sooo she staying here or what " "can she.... "I said unsure and looking down at my feet "she ain't got no where else to go her and her dad got into a argument she a be gone by Sunday !

"Fineeee but don't be doing shit in my house Red " I started laughing "I'm frl boy don't be doing nothing I'm going out tonight I'm gone till tomorrow night " I never knew what my moms did for a living but I've always been real curious .

As my mom went downstairs and left I went back in my room as I walked in my room. Stop at the door Germany was on the bed in black two piece lingerie she made me hard instantly .

What was this girl doing to me . She walked up to me in a seductively way and start licking my neck and ear and rubbing on me.

As our mouths met each other ,i gave her those good slow tongue kisses while I grab her ass . She started kissing my body from top to bottom and she started to undress herself as I did the same . When we both were naked we kissed each other savagely .

My sex drive started to get real high I pinned her against the wall and put my fingers inside her man she was wet as fuck as she let out a dumb loud moan I covered her and put the tip and continue to do what I do to her make her feel good and be her peace.

Please tell me how this chapter was .
Red is always there for Germany !🤗
Wowwwwww so roscko raped reds mom 17 years ago that means rosco is reds dad !!

Stay tuned for the next chapter

Coming soon

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