"Yeah she's evil, but she doesn't deserve to die so cruelly. That's Aspen's mother for crying out loud, I can't take that away from my sister. And before you even knew that she wasn't your mother, you didn't want to kill her. You pleaded with me not to end her life and now all of a sudden you want to chop her neck off!" I screamed back. Orianna didn't flinch at anything I said, her arms were folded and her face was twisted in anger.

"Feelings change, Akai. I didn't want her dead before because I was a naive girl who wanted to please everybody. I don't want anybody to have such a tight hold on my life again and that means taking out the number one culprit of doing that. I know that's Aspen's mother, but she'll get over her death eventually. She knows the horrible things her mother has done and she knew this time would eventually come."

"You sound so heartless. If I just went and killed your father, you would be upset and wouldn't be able to stop the tears from falling down your face." My rage was getting higher and higher and I actually wanted to pull out my hair from how frustrating Orianna was being.

"That's different. My father is innocent and didn't deserve death in the first place, so don't even try to compare the tw-" I had had enough. I knew she held resentment against her so-called mother, but killing her wasn't going to solve anything.

"ORIANNA," I roared. She stopped moving and just stared wide-eyed at me. "You're being evil and I don't want to be mated to a person that stoops as low as the person you're wanting to kill. You're acting and doing exactly what she wants you to do. Yeah she did things to you, but you're still alive and happy. Those things made you stronger and into the woman you are today. You can't just kill every person that you don't like or that hit you; that's not a good ruler. You're a Luna now and the pack will look up to you and your actions right now are not setting the example that I had hoped you would. We're suppose to be enjoying each other, but instead we're standing here yelling about a woman locked in a cell. We both are stupid on wasting our breaths on her and I hope you see that." I tried to come at her from a calm standpoint. Maybe the softness, but authoritativeness will lure the anger away....

How about no.

"Don't use that tone on me! You know I'm right about this and that's what a pack would want in a Luna. They want a person to not back down from injustice and bring peace to the pack... and that's what I'm trying to do. I swear I'm going to kill her. I'll wait until you sleep or I'll-" the string to my sanity had snapped. Whatever Orianna got next was because of her own actions. She knew I had a temper and of course I couldn't and wouldn't hit her, so I did the next best thing to assert my dominance and get her to calm down again.

I kissed her.

I grabbed her neck and waist, brought her closer to my body, then I roughly kissed her.

The way my lips moved against hers was a statement of how upset I was with her. It wasn't one of those gentle and cute pecks, no, it was a primal and lip bruising kind of kiss. It was an enjoyable form of punishment.

I finally pulled away, so we could both catch our breaths. Orianna's eyes were dark, meaning she liked it.

"Do you still want to kill her?" I asked through my rugged breathing.

"Yes." She replied back still staring at my lips.

"You want me to kiss you again?"

"Yes." She took a huge intake of air, then she spoke the words I least expected. "I want to finish the mate bond." There was not a crack, stutter or hesitation in her voice. I never expected that to be the outcome of a anger induced kiss.

How did we go from screaming our heads off to being ready to finish our bond?

"You're a 100 percent sure, because just a second ago you wanted to kill me." She slowly nodded her head, then she started taking off her shirt. "Woah, woah! You work fast, Lupita." I felt anxious about the events that were going to take place next.

I hadn't expected this for a few more weeks. I wanted everything to be perfect and well thought out. I wanted there to be white roses on the floor, glasses of champagne, and whatever else makes things romantic. It was not in my plans to do this in my dirty old room in my dads pack house.

"Come on, Akai. Are you nervous?" Her voice was filled with teasing, but she didn't know that it was the truth.

Out of nowhere, she started pushing me back towards the bed. The tables had turned drastically in the last 5 minutes.

I exhaled a huge wave of air, before my body relaxed and I felt at peace with what was about to happen. It wasn't ideal, but it would still be good.

I let Orianna push me onto the bed, then she crawled on top of me. The lust was eating her alive, because she ripped off my shirt in one second and had her lips glued to mine not another second later. I guess we were staying for another day.

And that's where we spent the next few hours...


Ooooooooooo, steamy ;) You won't get a chapter for that, but you get the idea.

Don't think a little kissing and stripping will end their argument though🤷‍♀️

Also, I think this is the second to last chapter of this book before the epilogue and I'm actually crying. Idk if the next part will be broken into two or if it's not too long, then it'll stay one chapter... then it's time for the dreaded epilogue ending. It's like giving birth to a baby and taking care of it for years and now it's time for it to go to college. 😫😫😭😭

Oh, on a more happy note. We hit 20k+ reads. That's actually madness. It's like my baby is getting a scholarship😂 Thank you to everyone that reads and supports my book (aka my baby) I love you so much!!

And one more small thing. Aspen and Akai aren't twins now ig. He has one mom and she has another, so that would kinda be impossible I'm guessing. This is the type of stuff that happens when you don't plan out your book and you just come up with stuff as you write each chapter.

Anywho, bye💓

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