Epilogues Chapter 6: Poppy and Charlie

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"Everyone, I've got some news I need to share with you all" The doctor said with a straight face, completely void of emotion, and impossible to read.  He closed the door to the room that Poppy, Charlie, Finn, Rory, Annie and Nick were seated in.

"What is it, Doctor?" Charlie asked, breaking the palpable silence, taking his wife's hand in his, rubbing it with his thumb soothingly.  Poppy was recovering from the experimental surgery she'd had earlier in the week, and she had otherwise completed all of the treatment regimens outlined by the study she was a part of, and now they were having a conversation with the doctor who was heading the study, about her results, and their next course of action.

"As you know, with this study, there were many experimental components that have worked well for many, however not for everyone.  Immediately following your surgery, as well as throughout the week, we have run some additional tests, and I hold the results from those tests in my hands" he said.

Finn looked at his sister helplessly, to his parents, and then to his fiancée desperately, as if silently begging someone, anyone, to wake him up from this nightmare.  He gripped Rory's hand, and brought his other to cover his mouth, unable to bear the suspense.

"It's important to remember, Penelope, that while we've had much success with this study, especially now with the enormous breakthroughs that the sizeable donations from your family have helped us achieve, that results are not necessarily typical, and no matter the amount of money, or effort, or willpower, the tumors don't always shrink, and sometimes they are angered to the point of growing more rapidly."

Everyone in the room could hear as Poppy breathed in a nervously jagged breath, trying to prepare herself for the worst.  "Do you know the results or not, Doctor?" she asked, breaking the tension once more, causing everyone to turn to look at her.

The doctor laughed lightly to himself.  Leave it to Poppy to make even the stuffiest person laugh in her presence.  "We will need to keep a close eye on you for a while, but I'm pleased to say, that your tumors have dissolved.  I don't dare say that you're cured for the fear of it coming back – because it still can – but Penelope, there's a very good chance that you could go on and live a fully healthy, long and beautiful life with your family" The doctor said.

"What!?" she exclaimed, tears coming to her eyes and Charlie threw his arms around her, crying, and she's still just staring ahead in shock, with the most amazing smile on her face.

"Oh my God, you did it, Baby" he murmured into her hair as he kissed her head.

There wasn't a dry eye in the room, even the doctor was starting to get misty-eyed.  "We need to celebrate!" Nick exclaimed, wiping his eyes.

**                                **                                **

Two years into Poppy's complete remission, she and Charlie decided that they were ready to try and have a family of their own.  Poppy had always wanted to be a mother, since she was a little girl, and it's something that after her diagnosis, she had had to deal with giving up on.  Never in a million years did she think it might happen for her!  And at 36 years old, she needed to act fast, or she might lose her window all over again. 

After six long and frustrating months, Poppy knew it was time to seek a specialist; she knew there had been a large risk of infertility with the experimental medication they'd had her on for the study, and she was learning just how powerful they might be.  The doctor said conceiving naturally wasn't impossible, but would be highly unlikely, and Poppy was crushed.  She was so close to having the dream she'd always wanted, but so damn far away.

Rory and Finn had them over for dinner, and Poppy told them everything.  "I want to be her surrogate" Rory told Finn, after they'd left.

"What!?" he asked, wondering if he'd heard her right.

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