Chapter 12

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"Well, I suppose I'd best get going and let you head on to bed then" Finn said after the apartment was put back to the way it looked whenever he first came over.

"Oh," I said, a little sad to lose the company.  "Well, if you think you should.  I mean, I'm not really ready to go to bed yet; I'm actually going to be up for a little while longer.  Since I slept in so late this morning, I'm not really all that tired yet.  I'll probably stay up and watch at least another movie" I admitted.

"I see.  Well, if you happen to get to a point after that where you can't sleep, you can just text me.  I probably won't sleep for a while either" he said.

"How come?  I figured you'd be exhausted after your rough start to the day this morning" I said.

He shook his head.  "Nah, I'm feeling pretty good, now" he said.

"Well, you're welcome to stay and watch the movie with me, if you'd like.  But I'm warning you, it will probably be a girly movie" I said.

He laughed.  "How girly?" he groaned.

"What can I say?  I'm a closet girly girl" I teased.

"You're so full of it, I know you better than that.  What are you really planning to watch?" he asked.

"Depends on if you're staying or going" I said.

"Well, I guess that depends on if you want me to stay, or if you want me to go?" he said, not wanting to assume anything, so he was approaching with caution.

I laughed.  "I wouldn't have invited you to stay if I was trying to get rid of you" I pointed out.

"I don't know, you could be pretty crafty" he said with a laugh.

"Finn?" I asked seriously.

"Yeah?" he asked, his voice almost catching.

"Sit down, shut up and watch a movie with me" I teased with a laugh.

"Yes, ma'am!" he said with a laugh, sitting down on the couch, and I sat down beside him.

"We don't even have to watch a movie, really" I said.

"We don't?" he asked in surprise, wondering where I was taking this.

"No, there are tons of TV shows we can watch.  I actually love to watch cooking shows, which is terribly ironic since I don't EVER cook, but I love to watch them anyway.  Especially the competition shows" I said.

He cleared his throat.  "Yeah, I actually like to watch those, also.  Although I never would've pegged you as the domestic type" he teased.

I clicked the channel on and sat the remote on the table.  "I mean, parts of me wishes I could be, sometimes, but I'm just not wired that way.  I'm no Suzie Homemaker by any means – but that doesn't mean I don't know HOW to do them" I pointed out.

"Ah, you are a deep pool of mysteries, Love.  It's been fun getting to learn some of them" he said.

"Yeah?  Well you can ask me anything, Finn.  I don't really have anything I'm not willing to talk about" I said.

"Good to know" he said with a smirk, and then he put his arm around me as we watched Chopped.

I grabbed the blanket beside me and wrapped it around me.  "You're cold?" he asked.  I nodded, and he pulled me closer to him, and it just felt so comfortable relaxing in his arms.  "Better?" he asked and I nodded again.

After a while, I guess I'd ended up being more tired than I'd thought, and I fell asleep curled up next to him.  He smiled as he realized I was lightly snoring.  "Wow, I put two Gilmores to sleep in one night.  Either I'm incredibly boring as hell, or extremely comfortable" he thought to himself.  He flipped the TV off and then he picked me up and carried me to my room, getting me all settled into bed.  "Goodnight, Love.  Have sweet dreams" he whispered, kissing my forehead, and then walking out, heading home.

*                                                          *                                                          *

The next morning, I woke up in bed, and for the life of me tried to remember how I got there.  I could hear Emma was already awake and watching TV in the living room, so I got up and went to grab a cup of coffee and go in to sit with her.

"Hi, Mommy!" she said happily.

"Hi, sweetheart.  Did you sleep good?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I wish Uncle Finn was still here.  Last night was so much fun!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah?  It was pretty fun, wasn't it?" I asked her.

"Hey Mommy?" she asked.

"Yeah, baby?" I replied.

"When will I get a stepdad?" she asked point blank.

I nearly choked on the drink of coffee I'd taken.  "What?  Where's that coming from?" I asked in surprise.

"Well, I have a stepmom, and now I need a stepdad.  When will I get one?" she asked.

"Em, it's a little more complicated than that.  I'm not dating anyone, so it's going to be a long time before you get a stepdad, sweetheart.  YOU are my top priority, trying to find a guy isn't even on my list" I explained.

She seemed disappointed.  "I just really want one" she said.

"One day, whenever I meet the right guy who is right for BOTH of us, not just me, we will all settle down and become a family.  But for right now, you're the only family I need" I said.

"But you're lonely when I'm not here, Mommy.  You're all alone, and I don't like that you're all alone when I'm with Daddy and Dettie" she said.

My heart nearly melted.  "Baby, I promise you.  I miss you like crazy when you're not here – BUT – I'm perfectly happy with it just being me and you right now" I said.

"I think you need someone to love you besides me and Mammaw" she said wisely, and then went back to watching TV. 

'What the hell kind of trap did I just walk into?' I asked myself, still in shock.

My phone rang and it was Lane calling to talk.  It was nice to hear from her.  She and her band and the boys have been touring all over the United States, and I think they're about to make it huge.  She was telling me all about tour life, the different places she's seen, how the boys and the bandmates have been doing, and everything in between.  I'd forgotten how much I've missed her.

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