Chapter 66

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I woke up in Finn's arms and to my surprise he was already awake, watching me sleep. "How long have you been awake?" I whispered, smiling and turning towards him.

He smiled too and laced my fingers through his. "A little while, but only because I've been thinking about some things" he whispered, kissing my shoulder.

"Good things?" I asked him in a whisper.

"Great things" he whispered back, kissing me still.

"Oh yeah? And what were these 'great things'?" I asked.

"You; I was just thinking about you and all of the trust that you've put in me, trusting that I wouldn't hurt you. That I would love you the way you deserve to be loved. And about me wanting so badly just to tell you a simple thank you. Thank you for seeing all of the improvements I've been working really hard to make. Thank you for believing in me, and giving me the chance to spend all of my moments with you. Thank you for thinking I'm worthy of you – even though I'm not, thank you for believing it anyway" he said softly.

"You're more worthy than you know, Finn. Believe me" I said with a sweet smile.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "Thank you. You have no idea what that means to me" he whispered.

"What in the world are you still thanking me for?" I teased with a laugh.

He looked into my eyes and I felt like he could see directly into my soul. "For once I'm being dead serious, Love. Thank you for seeing the best in me. Thank you for giving me the chance I never thought I'd earn. I just – I care so much about you, and our crazy life, and everything it has thrown our way – it's going to be a lot to get used to, for all of us, but we can do it, because we'll be doing it together" he whispered, touching his forehead to mine as he spoke.

I smiled and nodded. "I wouldn't want to do it any other way, Finn" I whispered.

He pulled me in and kissed me so tenderly, his lips brushing against mine ever so lightly like a feather. Soft and gentle at first, growing into a fireball of passion. When we broke apart, we both had to catch our breath. He smiled, and I smiled, and he kissed me again, and we just lost ourselves in the moment as we made love.

* *   *

"Thank you" I whispered, as I rested my head on his chest.

"What? For what?" he asked in surprise.

"For everything you do for us, how well you fit into our lives, how well you treat Emma and include her in everything. I was always worried about dating because I never thought I would ever be lucky enough to find anyone who would see her as anything other than a burden, but with you, I've never, ever had to feel that way. I've always felt that you genuinely loved her, and cared about her, and I'm absolutely convinced that you wouldn't even hesitate to do absolutely anything for my little girl" I whispered.

"You're damn right about that" he said with a smile that lit up his entire face.

"It just really means the world to me, and the fact that you had the bond with her before I was in the picture tells me how real it really is. It's not something you fabricated to do for show only while I'm around while you secretly can't stand her. You legitimately, one hundred percent care about my daughter, and that is the absolute most amazing feeling in the world that I ever could have asked for – and I didn't even realize I was missing it until you gave it to me." I whispered.

"Darling, I've already told you – I love that little girl as if she were my own, and I mean that more than I've ever meant anything I've ever said. Never in my entire life will anything ever be able to change the bond I have with your daughter – even if God forbid you and I wouldn't work out, Emma would not suffer for it. She and I will always be bonded for the rest of my life" he promised me.

I just smiled and shook my head, wishing I could express to him just how much I really appreciated him in general. But I couldn't and that was frustrating, but nothing I could ever do or say would ever be enough. I knew, deep down, that this relationship was not like any other I had ever had, and it would never be able to be compared to as such. This was so unlike anything I had ever experienced before and yet it was the most natural, comfortable and easy feeling in the world. I loved this man, this Legend, and nothing would ever be able to change the way I felt in this very moment.

I touched my fingertips to his cheek; he closed his eyes at my touch and turned to kiss the bare skin of my hand. Electricity was charging through my veins, fire was burning with in my soul, and wanting him was becoming more than I could bear. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling myself onto him as he lay on his back, his beautiful blue eyes looking up at me, reflecting my own, and I kissed him.

He rubbed my legs with the soft palms of his hands and just feeling his tender touches was enough to drive me crazy. Never had I ever been so tantalized by such a simple touch, never have I been so close to the brink of an inferno by just simply staring into someone's eyes. He and I were connected. He was a part of me, and I was a part of him. We were bonded for the rest of our lives and nothing would ever be able to change the bond that we shared. I would never feel so alive again in my entire life – I hadn't felt alive at all until Finn. I kissed him deeply, trying to relay the feelings stirring inside of me. He returned the feelings eagerly, passionately, and freely. Yes. Finn would forever be a part of me.

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