Chapter 96

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Finn and I walked into my apartment, and Emma rushed over to see him.  "Happy birthday, Uncle Finn!" she said happily, throwing her arms around him, wanting him to pick her up.

He hugged her tightly.  "Thanks, Em!  God, I've missed you.  I've had such a rough day, but you're making it all better!" he told her and that made her giggle.

"A rough day on your birthday!?" she asked, her nose crinkled up in surprise.

"Yeah, I got some bad news last night, and all day today was just exhausting, but now it's all better because I've got you!" he told her, tickling her and attacking her with lots of kisses, and she just kept laughing the biggest belly laughs ever.  "That laugh is infectious, Em!  How could anyone stay bummed out when you're around!?" he asked, laughing too.

I smiled, watching them playing and mom caught the expression on my face, but chose not to acknowledge it.  "So how's she doing?" she asked instead.

"Good!  Real good!  They're actually releasing her today, so she banished Finn from the hospital so he could try and salvage at least part of his birthday" I told her.

"That's great!  And happy birthday, by the way" she called to Finn who was now being ganged up on by Emma and Ricky both.  They had him pinned down on the floor, trying to tickle him, and he broke free and tickled them both.

"Thanks!" he called back, and they kept coming after him, over and over.

"So is this how your spending your birthday, or are you wanting to actually go out and do something?" I asked him with a laugh.

"Okay, okay, okay you little ankle biters, that's enough" he said, standing up and walking over to mom and I, but they didn't give up so easily.

"You two are going out together?  What about your new girlfriend?  Is she okay with how much time you're spending together?  Last I heard, you hadn't even met each other yet, kid" mom said in concern.

"So, the way I see it, is if she can't understand that I need my best friend by my side during times like these, then she's not that great of a woman, now is she, Love?" he asked her and for once she didn't have a comeback.

"Well, uh, no, I guess not..." she said, surprising even herself with her lack of witty comment.  "But you three should get out of here before it gets any later, if you're wanting to salvage your birthday.  I'll lock up, don't worry" she said.

"Where are we going?" Emma asked him.

"I don't know, I haven't decided yet.  Do you have any good ideas?" he asked her.

"McDonald's!?" she asked excitedly.

"Uh, how about you keep thinking, honey" he teased her, and then we headed out the door.

"Bye, mom.  Thank you for everything" I told her.  "And bye Ricky!  I'm going to miss you!" I said, hugging my baby brother, and we walked out the door.

**            **            **

The three of us walked into Incredible Pizza, Emma and Finn stopped in their tracks, looking around in awe; their mouths dropped down to the floor.

"Emma, look at that!" Finn exclaimed, pointing to the indoor go karts in the distance.

Meanwhile, Emma was enthralled by the laser lights and sounds. 

"Alright, children, we need to eat dinner before we go have fun" I told them.

"Aww, but mum!" he whined, causing me to roll my eyes.  "You're so mean!" He pouted with a wink.

I just laughed a little and then led them to a table to set down our stuff before hitting the buffet.

"You two go on ahead, I'll wait here with our stuff" he said. 

"Absolutely not!  It's your birthday, you get to go first" I insisted. 

He laughed "Well, okay then!  Do you want to come with me, Em?  Or stay here and wait with your mum?" he asked.

"I want to go with you!" She decided enthusiastically, so he took her hand and led her away to the buffet.

I watched after them lovingly, now that I had a moment to myself, and all I could do was think of the way things used to be and miss it. 

I was broken from my thoughts by a text on my phone.  Charlie and I are home, safe and sound :)  I hope Finn's able to enjoy his birthday! - Poppy

We went to Incredible Pizza, so he's embracing his inner child.  I think it's kind of therapeutic, even, because he seems like he's really enjoying himself - me

Oh, thank God!  I was so worried I was going to ruin his day!  Thank you for being with him through all of this!  I know he doesn't always make it easy, but he really needs you, you know.  Even if he's not willing to admit it to himself yet - Poppy

I smiled Yeah, he definitely doesn't make it easy, but I care too much about him - and you - to make him handle any of that on his own.  But you let me worry about him, you just worry about recovering! - me

Well, you get off the phone with me then, and focus on my big brother.  He deserves some fun after everything he's been through.  Have a good night! - Poppy

Thanks!  Take it easy and rest! - me

Finn and Emma came back to the table and sat down laughing and talking excitedly.  "Hurry up and go get your food, Love, or we will leave you here when we're done eating to go play without you" he teased.

"I'm going, I'm going" I said with a laugh and walked away.

**                   **                  **

"No way!  Babe, look!  Let's go play that!" Finn cried, pointing excitedly to a giant Space Invaders game. 

"Babe!?" Emma exclaimed.  "Are you boyfriend and girlfriend again!?" She asked happily, knowing Finn hadn't called me that since before we broke up.

"Wait, what!?" I asked in surprise - I hadn't even noticed he'd called me that.

"Oh, I'm sorry Little Love, I didn't mean to say that.  It was an accident, honey.  I'm really sorry if I gave you the wrong idea" he said and she pouted. 

"I just miss it" she whispered.

"Somedays I do, too, sweetheart, but we all have to get used to this new normal" I told her.

Finn looked at me when I said that, and gave me a warm smile.  "Hey, why don't you come play Space Invaders with me!?  Both of you!  Emma, you can be on my team!" He said, pulling her into his lap and I walked around to the other side.

**                **               **

After we got Emma tucked in after a long afternoon of fun, he walked me to the guest room.  "You need to be more careful, mister.  You can't go giving her the wrong idea like that, you know.  And you know darn well how badly she wants us to get back together" I told him.

"And what about you, Love?  What do you want?" He asked me.

I shrugged.  "It doesn't matter too much what I want.  You see, you're the one with the girlfriend" I teased him with a laugh.  He stood there silently as I walked into the guest room, leaving him in the hall.  "Oh, and uh - happy birthday" I said again with a smile, shutting the door between us.

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