Epilogues Chapter 3: The Danes'

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"Hi, honey, I'm so sorry, but I need you to cover for me tonight! I can't get out of work, things are really crazy right now that we seized this property, it's like 'safety inspectors and fire Marshalls and health inspectors, oh my!' around here!" Lorelai begged of her husband.

"Cover for you!? Lorelai, you've got to be kidding me! You haven't been to a single one of these PTA meetings yet! There's always something going on with the inn or the annex, or your newest property that needs you. You're stretching yourself too thin! You need to quit this dang PTA so I don't have to go around filling in on mommy duty for you" Luke complained.

"Oh, come on, Luke! You know I was a single mom for Rory and didn't get to do any of this stuff – now provided I didn't really want to, either – I pretty much made fun of those moms... But that's beside the point! I really want to do this for Ricky! I want to be an even better mom for him than I was able to be for her. I've been given a second chance, and I really don't want to screw this up!" she insisted.

Luke grumbled something under his breath. "Where do I need to go, and what time do I need to be there?"

"I knew I married you for a reason! You're too good to me" she said with a smile in her voice.

"You know, you're really lucky I love you, because I wouldn't put up with this from anyone else" he muttered.

"Oh, and don't forget, Ricky's Bear den meeting is also tonight right before the PTA meeting. Luckily they're at the same place, so you can just hop from one to the other" she reminded.

"You're kidding... You mean the Cub Scout meeting you signed up to be den leader for?" he asked.

"That's the one! You're a peach! And don't worry, mister, I'll make it all up to you tonight when I get home. I'll wear that sexy little –"

"H-hey, Ricky! Did you have a good day at school, Buddy? There's a snack on the table for you" Luke said; Lorelai giggled because she knew Luke was really uptight about her talking like that in front of the kids, whether they could actually hear her or not.

"You're such an amazing, all-together-type mom, Luke, and I appreciate you. See you tonight" she said in a sultry voice as she ended the call. Luke sighed and walked into his kitchen to see how Ricky's day went.

** ** **

Lorelai's annex had done so well, that she was given right of first refusal on the property nearby that was previously unavailable when she was looking to expand before. Using that space, they built a gorgeous banquet center that they were planning to use for events and weddings; outside there was a lot of very whimsical, secret garden-esque scenery, complete with a pond, a gazebo which is gorgeous for outdoor weddings, weeping willows, roses, wildflowers, and is just simply beautiful.

Luke, while he was happy for the success of his wife's vision, couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed with things at home. He found himself having to give up more and more of his responsibilities over to Caesar in order to accommodate Lorelai's extremely unpredictable schedule, and he wasn't adjusting to it all that well. He wanted to be there for her, to support her and all of her endeavors, but the Mr. Mom role that he didn't ever really want to be in was taking its toll on him. He doesn't mind scouts as much, because he liked to do many of the things they teach there, but to take over for her at the PTO bake sale last night was a little much, not to mention completely blindsiding. He would never really complain though, because Lorelai was living her dream, and he was spending so much time with his son that he might not have been able to spend otherwise, and he was grateful for that. Ricky was much like his mother, sister and cousin, but he had a lot of Luke in him, also. He counted back the time, and couldn't figure out how in the world he was nine years old already, but the boy was becoming a very nice young man right in front of his eyes.

** ** **

Lorelai sat down at her desk for the first time all day, and just took a moment to herself. There was a knock on the door and she groaned. "Come on! Just two seconds, is that so much to ask!?" she asked, but there was another knock. She got up and answered the door and was caught in surprise.

"Are you hiring?"

"Sookie!? What are you – what are you doing here!? Are you back!?" Lorelai exclaimed.

"I'm back! Well, if you'll have me" Sookie said.

"Of course! I'm so happy!" Lorelai exclaimed, throwing her arms around her best friend.

"Well, you might love me even more. A little birdie told me you haven't had a chance to eat all day today, so I whipped you up some dinner. Come on. I've already told everyone they have to leave you alone until your meal is over. Let's go" she said.

"Oh my God, I've missed you!" Lorelai professed as she followed her friend to the dining room.

"So, what's new with you?" Sookie asked, sitting down and having lunch with Lorelai.

"Not so much new with me, well, I mean, kind of – I'm getting a new stepdad" she said in amusement as her friend spit out a drink of her iced tea.

** ** **

Looking at the finished product of the completed project, Luke and I just stood and took it all in.

"You did it, babe. It looks incredible. I'm really proud of you, you know?" Luke asked, wrapping his arm around his wife.

"Thank you" she whispered, still not quite believing it was actually finished.

"Ah, it was nothing" he said.

"No, Luke, it wasn't nothing. It was everything. You are such an amazing man, and I just can't thank you enough for stepping up the way you have. I know I've seen my employees more than I've seen you lately, but you've been so supportive and amazing; it's all going to pay off now, though" she said.

"I still can't believe you took a whole month off work. You do know I know you, and that you're not going to be able to sit still for that long. You'll go crazy" he said.

"No way. It's the perfect time. Gives me time to focus on helping with the first wedding ever at Dreamscape by Dragonfly; I've got plenty to keep me busy" she said.

"You do know what the definition of not working is, don't you?" he teased.

"It's not work if you enjoy doing it" she pointed out.

** ** **

"She looks so gorgeous" Lorelai said, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief, coming out to see Luke before the processional.

"Of course she does, she's a beautiful woman. Your family has good genes" he said, his eyes crinkling in the corners.

"I'm just so honored that she wanted to have her wedding here at Dreamscape. And don't get me started on how surprised I was when she wasn't the bridezilla I expected!"

"Not everyone is a bridezilla, you weren't" he said.

"Oh I had my moments, Mister. Every bride has her bridezilla moment" She insisted.

"I don't know then" he said, hearing the music, knowing this was their cue to walk down the aisle together for the opening of the ceremony.

The couple made their way to the front row and stayed standing; watching as the beautiful, blushing bride made her way to the altar.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate in and bear witness to the love, commitment and joy as Mr. Edwin Berrmann and Ms. Emily Gilmore are joined together in Holy Matrimony."

"I was thinking about what if we renewed our vows? Our ten year anniversary is coming up" Lorelai said to him.

"We had a hard enough time the first time" he said with a laugh.

"Okay, then let's think of it as a big party to celebrate our happy ending? We've done a lot in ten years - and just think - you didn't even have to sleep with anyone else but me" she said with a wink.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Because we didn't need a surrogate, silly" she teased him and he rolled his eyes. She would never let him live that down.

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