Chapter 60

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A/N This chapter is in loving memory of my sister, Sarah, who I have tried very hard to mold Poppy's character around.  She was a phenomenal person, and I hope that portrays through Poppy's personality.  Their stories aren't identical, but her experiences are, as well as Finn's love for her was/is mine for Sarah.

The next morning was a tough one - it was the day of Poppy's doctor's appointment.  I got Emma up, dressed and ready for school, while Finn, Poppy and Charlie were getting ready to go.  I was a little sad that I wasn't asked to come along, too, but I could understand why.  This was their thing, and I wasn't family, but I hoped they knew how much I would have loved to have been there for her.  Not to mention that I knew Finn would need me to be there for him, but I also didn't want to overstep, and be in the way, either.

The five of us sat in the kitchen, eating breakfast, while Emma was talking everyone's ear off – she was going about a mile a minute and she seemed completely oblivious to the tense situation looming in all our minds, except for her own. 

I looked at my phone to tell the time, and it was about time for Emma and I to head out.  "I've got to get going" I told Finn.  He nodded, and I put a hand on his chest and kissed him.  "Text me or call me if you need anything" I told him.  He looked at me in confusion, but it was short lived as he watched Emma making her round of hugs, this time including Charlie, also.

"Have a good day at school, Little Love.  I'll see you this afternoon" Finn said, scooping her up and kissing her on the cheek.  "Love you, sweet girl" he said, setting her back down.

"Love you too, Uncle Finn!" she said happily, and I led her out the door.

*                               *                              *

I was on the phone with my mom on my way back from taking Emma to school.  "So today's the day that Poppy goes to the doctor, huh?" she asked.

"Yeah, and I'm happy she's finally able to go, but I'm going to be sitting around the apartment not able to concentrate all day because I'm worried about her" I admitted.

"So maybe you could go with them, for moral support?" Lorelai said.

"I'd love to go, mom, but I can't just impose.  I wasn't asked to come, so I don't want to push it.  Besides, it's not like I'm family, so in reality, there's really no reason for me to be there..." I said.

"Taking care of your boyfriend while he freaks the eff out is a pretty good reason, kid" she said.

"I know, and I want to be with him for that, but I don't want to assume I'm welcome, either.  This is a very personal appointment" I reminded her.

"I know it is, Kid.  Just talk to Finn about it when you get home this morning" she said.

"They'll have already left by the time I get back.  Her appointment was at 830 this morning" I told her.

"Oh.  Well, you told him to keep you updated, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, of course I did.  I'm worried about her, too" I said, but I was interrupted by the call waiting.  "Oh, that's him.  I'll talk to you later, mom" I said.  I clicked over and answered Finn's call.  "Hey, sweetheart, how are you doing?" I asked in concern.

"I'm waiting for you to get home, so we can make it to Poppy's appointment, but you're not back yet.  Is traffic heavy this morning?" he asked, slightly panicked.

"What?  I didn't know you were waiting for me!  Did Poppy and Charlie already leave?" I asked.

"Yeah, they left a little bit ago, and I just stayed back because I figured you'd have been here by now.  Is everything okay?" he asked, you could hear the anxiousness in his voice – he wanted to be with his sister.

I felt awful.  "Finn, baby, I had no idea you were wanting me to go with you!  I'm so sorry I'm late, I asked Winston to take me to get a cup of coffee, but I'm on my way back already.  I should be there in less than five minutes – if traffic cooperates" I promised.

"Why wouldn't you think I'd want you to go with me!?  I told you how much I need you right now" he said, sounding irritated, but I just chalked it up to his nerves going overboard.

"Well, you hadn't said anything, so I just assumed you wanted it to be a family thing, and – well – I'm not family" I said softly.  I heard him laugh lightly on the other end of the line.  "What?" I asked.

"Of course you're family, Ror.  Now just get your ass here and I'll meet you outside" he said, still laughing a little.  I could hear all of the tension leaving his voice.

I had no idea he thought of me as 'family', but it felt good, and knowing that he was chuckling, rather than letting his nerves get the better of him, felt even better in the moment.  We hung up and before long I was there and he was downstairs waiting for us as we pulled in front of the building.

*                               *                              *

Finn and I walked into the waiting room of the doctor's office right as they were about to lead Poppy back to a room.  "Oh thank god we're not too late!" Finn said, taking my hand and leading me to them.

"Took you long enough!" Poppy hissed at her brother – for the first time since I'd met her, I could see her nerves – rightfully –getting the better of her.

We were all led to a room where the doctor would be in to explain the procedure in just a moment before they begin.

"I'm so sorry, Pop.  Rory got stuck in traffic.  We got here as quickly as we could" he lied, not wanting her to know I wasn't originally planning to come.  He didn't want to cause her any extra anxiety.

The doctor knocked on the door and walked in.  He introduced himself as Dr. Stephens, and explained the process to the four of us. 

"So as we discussed before at your last appointment, ports are recommended because there is a catheter inside that connects to the port to a large vein, which allows chemotherapy medication to be given with a special needle that fits right into the port.  Blood can also be drawn from this and it is all-around easier for the caregiver, and the patient to not have to find a vein every time, and it's less painful for the patients as well.  There are risks, of course, as with anything, and those could be anything along the lines of  internal bleeding, nerve damage, a collapsed lung, fluid buildup around the lungs, blood clot formation, and accidental cutting or puncturing of blood vessels." He explained thoroughly.

We nodded in unison, soaking in all of the information.  "Will I feel it when it's put in?" Poppy asked in a small voice, sounding so frightened that I actually had to look to make sure it had come from her.

"No, not during the insertion; basically, this is an outpatient surgical procedure which will be done with general anesthesia.  You will go into surgery, which will take approximately one hour.  You will be numbed with Lanacane, I will then make a small incision to insert the port, which will be sutured inside your body.  The area will then be stitched closed and you're taken to recovery.   After you have recovered, you will then have your first round of chemotherapy, and after that, you will be free to go home" Dr. Stephens explained.

We all collectively took deep breaths and Poppy nodded.  "Okay.  Let's get this over with" she said bravely. 

Dr. Stephens asked Finn and I to retreat to the waiting room, and said he would send Charlie out as soon as it's time for Poppy to head into surgery.  We hugged Poppy and made our way back to where we came.

"She's going to be okay, Finn.  You said it yourself, she's stubborn.  She's a fighter.  This is just the first step of the beginning of the end of that nasty cancer inside of her" I reassured him, rubbing his back as he sat down with his head in his hands nervously.

He took a deep breath and nodded.  "Okay, yeah, you're right" he whispered in agreement, and then Charlie joined us a little while later.

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