Chapter 69

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Today was the big day! Emma was coming home and would see the amazing room that Finn had made sure she had. Logan texted me and told me how excited she was, and how she wanted to come home early. He said he would have let her if they hadn't been out of town for the reunion. He even teased, saying he would have rather come home early to see her room, too, considering it was a weekend full of Huntzbergers, but they managed to get through it.

Finn made sure he got off work early enough to be home when I picked Emma up from school, and Poppy said he was a nervous wreck, hoping Emma would love it as much as he thought she would. She reassured him that it was beyond her wildest dreams, and there was absolutely no way she wouldn't love it.

The town car carrying Emma and I stopped at the base of the apartment complex, and came to a stop at the front doors. "Are you ready to see how much Finn loves you?" I teased her, knowing full well that she was so excited she was about to burst.

She nodded enthusiastically as I got her out of her car seat, and I could barely keep up with her as she bolted out the door. I chased behind her, laughing.

We got a couple of dirty looks from older residents, but the doorman just chuckled as we went by. "Good afternoon, Rory and Emma" he said.

"Good afternoon, William!" I called back, after we'd already gotten on the elevator.

"Get ready – she's wound for sound" I texted Finn as a warning.

The elevator let us out at the door to the apartment and she turned the knob, not even waiting for me. "Good grief you're fast!" I exclaimed, catching up to her as she walked into the living room.

"Uncle Finn!" she exclaimed, searching for him, but he was not in the living room waiting for her. She knew she wasn't allowed to look at her room until Finn was with her.

"In your room waiting for you, Little Love" he called from her room. She turned to me as if asking for permission, and I nodded her on.

She walked over to the door and pushed it open slowly, as if something would jump out at her. I followed behind her and watched the expression on her face as she looked around the room in awe. "This is my room!?" she asked in disbelief.

"All yours, baby girl" Finn told her. The smile grew on her lips and she plowed into his arms, nearly knocking him over since he was kneeling down. "Whoa!" he said laughing, catching his balance.

"I love it! Thank you so much, Uncle Finn!" she exclaimed, holding onto him tightly and pressing her head against him.

"You're welcome, but it wasn't just me – your mommy and Princess Poppy helped by decorating, and Charlie helped some, too. We wanted it to be perfect for you" he told her.

"It is perfect! I love you, Uncle Finn!" she told him.

"I love you too, Princess" he murmured, kissing the top of her head.

"Did you see everything?" I asked her.

Emma pulled herself away from Finn, and did another once over of the room. "There's a place for you to sit and read – your own little library! There's a dress up area with brand new princess dresses, shoes, jewelry and accessories! There's a vanity where you can sit and make sure you look beautiful for the ball! I think we thought of everything, what do you think?" I asked her.

She nodded and ran her finger tips all along everything. "I can't wait to sleep here!" she told me.

"Good thing you'll be with us tonight instead of Daddy, huh?" I asked her and she nodded enthusiastically.

The front door opened and closed and Finn took Emma's hand. "Princess Poppy's home! Why don't you show her your room?" he suggested. Emma ran away into the living room enthusiastically.

"Can I talk to you for a minute? In our room?" I asked him, with seriousness in my eyes.

"Uh – everything okay?" he asked, suddenly feeling nervousness surrounding him.

"Just come with me, please" I said, leading him away to our room, and he was following me like an obedient puppy dog.

"Rory if I –" he started as I shut the door behind us, thinking for sure he'd done something wrong and over stepped some sort of boundary.

I pushed him up against the wall and kissed him deeply. He was about to object out of confusion, but I wouldn't let him go. I just kept kissing him and holding him tight. "You are the most amazing man I have ever met, and I never want to let you go" I whispered, kissing him again. He brought his hands up to my face passionately. He had been so afraid of doing something wrong, that it overwhelmed him to know just how much he'd done something right.

"I thought you were mad" he whispered with a light chuckle.

"I don't think you're capable of doing anything truly wrong when it comes to the ones you care about the most – because you're the most perfect person I've ever met" I whispered.

"I'm not perfect" he promised me. I nodded and kissed him more.

"I just wish we had some time alone right now" I murmured between kisses.

"I can take care of that, if that's what you really want?" he asked, staring deeply into my eyes. I nodded, kissing him more.

He pulled the phone from his pocket and called a number. "Any chance you two would want to take Emma to dinner and a movie, my treat?" he asked into the phone breathlessly. I could hear the laughing loudly from the other room. "Thank you, my wallet is on the counter. Use my card, but just please call before you bring her back home" he begged. After another pause, he thanked her and hung up. "Your wish is my command" he whispered, turning back to me and kissing my neck. My eyes flew shut and I breathed in deeply. We could hear the front door open and close and a text notification alerted from Finn's phone, letting him know they were gone. He tossed his phone down and attacked me with kisses, laying me down on the bed. I laughed out loud at the surprise of the attack, but just held onto him tightly as he kept kissing me, running my fingers through his hair.

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