Chapter 67

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"Where are we going?" I asked, as Finn led me down to the town car after we checked out of the hotel.

"We're going car shopping" he said with a shrug, as if it were as common as going to the grocery store.

"Oh, because that's something we do every day" I teased him and he laughed. "So why exactly are we going car shopping when you literally have drivers who take you everywhere?" I asked.

"Because you need a car" he said simply, as he opened the door for me.

"I need a car." I stated, although it was more of a question.

"Yeah, you listed off all of the things that are wrong in your life, and well, I want to make them better. What I can make better, anyway. And a car is one thing I can do to help" he said.

"You're not buying me a car, Finn!" I exclaimed, appalled that he would even think I would ever consider letting him do that.

"I'm not buying you a car" he said.

There was silence, and my confusion and curiosity got the better of me. "But you said..." I started off.

"I said we were going car shopping, I didn't say I was buying you a car" he pointed out.

"You said I need a car" I insisted.

"You do need a car" he said.

"So you're trying to trick me into letting you buy me a car!" I cried.

"I'm doing no such thing, Love" he said.

A few moments later, we pull into a Porsche dealership.

"No! No way, Finn" I protested.

"No way, what? We're just looking" he said.

I shook my head; my face red, showing how mad I was, but he drug me out of the car anyway.

We were instantly greeted by a sales person who seemed overly eager to help us. I just rolled my eyes, knowing how this would all play out.

"Good afternoon! My name is Gregory, very nice to meet you today. And you are?" he asked, extending his hand to shake Finn's.

"Hey, I'm Finn, and this is my girlfriend Rory. This is our first stop, so we're just very preliminarily looking right now, but I was thinking that we need an SUV. We've got a little girl, and we need a little more room than a sports car" Finn said.

"Finn –" I interjected, but he just took my hand in his and gave it a squeeze. I know he was trying to tell me not to be angry, and I know his words would reassure me again that we're 'just looking'. But I know Finn will stop at nothing to make sure that Emma and I are 'taken care of'.

Gregory led us to an SUV that was pretty sporty – "This is the Cayenne, and I think this would be exactly what you're looking for. Let me go get the keys from inside, and I'll open her up" he said.

"Finn, we don't really need a car this nice" I insisted as soon as Gregory walked away.

"Of course we do, Love. It's always better to buy from a reputable and well-known company" he said, kissing my forehead.

Gregory came back and opened the car up, letting us look around inside, and it was nice – I had to admit. Lots of bells and whistles, but way above anything I could ever want or need.

"Would you like to go for a test drive?" Gregory asked, turning to look at Finn.

"Yeah, let's take a drive" he said.

"Alright, if I can just have a copy of your driver's license for our records, we can be on our way" Gregory said.

"You actually think someone was daft enough to give me a bloody driver's license, Mate?" Finn deadpanned.

Gregory was stunned, and stammered for a moment before he finally formed the words. "Sir, if you don't have a driver's license, I can't allow you to test drive the car..."

Finn laughed and took out his wallet. "I'm just messing with you, Gregory. Here" he said, handing over his license.

Gregory let out a sigh of relief and laughed nervously. "You're a funny man...Finnick" he said, referring to my name as it's listed on the card.

I tried not to laugh. "That was mean, babe" I said with a smile.

"The guy needed to lighten up a bit, he was taking this all way too seriously" he said with a smile of his own.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You're a mess" I said, going back and giving the car another once over.

"So what do you think?" he asked me.

"I think you're not buying me a car" I reminded him.

"I'm not buying you a car" he started the loop again.

"Finn!" I said in frustration.

Gregory walked back to us and handed the keys to Finn. It wasn't lost on me that I was virtually being ignored.

Finn squeezed my hand before he let go and opened the passenger door for me, before getting into the driver's side.

Gregory went to get into the back seat, but Finn protested. "My girl and I need to talk this over, so we're going to go on this ride solo. We'll take it for a quick spin and come back" Finn said.

"But sir, it's against policy" he insisted.

"Do you want to make a sale today or not, Gregory?" Finn asked, with an eyebrow raised.

Gregory sighed, but retreated. "Please bring it back in one piece" he said, and then closed the door behind him.

"Finn, we're not making a sale today, I can't afford this, and therefore there is no way he's making a sale today" I said.

"Who says you're buying this car?" he asked, backing out of the parking space.

"Well you're sure as hell not buying me this car!" I exclaimed.

"I already told you, Love. I'm not buying you a car" he said.

"Clearly you and I have differing opinions on what on earth that means, then" I grumbled in frustration.

"Alright Rory, look. I'm going to level with you. If it would make you feel better, I'll let you put down the money that the insurance company gave you from when you totaled your car in the accident, but my main concern is getting us both into a safe, dependable vehicle that will get us and Emma from point A to point B, without being driven around New York City in a town car like big shots all the time. That's what you want, isn't it? For her to have some normalcy? Well, this is one way we can do that" he said.

I leaned my head back onto the head rest and sighed. "You know that's what I want" I whispered.

"So then please, let me help do this" he said.

"This is huge, Finn... Are you sure about this? I mean, you're talking about buying a car together?" I asked.

"I'm all in, Love. Are you?" he asked seriously, looking me in the eyes.

How could I argue with that? "Can it be the dark purple one?" I asked cutely.

He laughed and squeezed my hand tight. "Baby, I will give you whatever the hell you could ever want."

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