Chapter 18

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So I decided that just because I didn't get what I want, doesn't mean I should deprive those who were hoping for a 2nd chapter tonight. Enjoy!


What?" I asked in confusion.

"You both fell asleep and I just let you rest.  You seemed exhausted.  You were dreaming, though.  Anything good?" he asked curiously.

My cheeks flushed as I remembered my dream, and I just shook my head.  "I don't know" I said, not sure if I was lying or telling the truth. He helped me get Emma out of the car.

Finn followed us and I stopped quickly.  "Where are you going?" I asked in surprise.

"You invited me over for dinner...  Is that still alright?" he asked in confusion.

"Oh – oh, yeah, of course.  Come on in" I said, and we all three went inside.

"Are you okay, Love?  You don't seem like yourself..." Finn noticed, watching me for a little while.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry, Finn.  I'm fine, I just feel a little strange after I woke up.  I guess my mind hasn't caught up with the rest of me yet" I said.

"How about we just take it easy tonight.  Can I cook for you?  You and Emma can relax on the couch watching TV, and I'll take care of everything" he said.

"No, I invited you, you're not making us dinner" I protested.

"Want to make it together?" he asked.

I thought for a moment, and then I nodded.  "Yeah, I think that would be fun" I admitted.

He started looking through cabinets to see what we had, but he wasn't satisfied, so he texted a shopping list to his driver for him to pick up a few things.

"What are you wanting to make?" I asked with a laugh.

"Only my Little Love's favorite dish – I think she deserves it" he said.

"You're making me spaghetti and meatballs, Uncle Finn!?" Emma exclaimed.

"Uh oh, your favorite is spaghetti and meatballs?  I just asked Wesley to get Brussels sprouts, creamed corn and liver" he said.

Emma's nose crinkled, and her face started to pucker a little as she started to get upset, thinking he was being serious.

"I'm kidding!  I'm totally kidding, Little Love.  Don't cry!" he panicked.

All of a sudden she burst out laughing.  "Haha, I fooled you!  I knew you wouldn't make me eat liver!  You're not the only one who can play tricks" she said.

I tried to stifle my laugh, but they are just so darn funny to watch together.

"Wesley's buying me stuff for spaghetti and meatballs, isn't he?" she asked sweetly.

"Only the best for you, Little Love" he said with a wink.

"Can I help make dinner, too?" she asked.

"Oh, um, I don't know, sweetheart" I said.

"Of course you can!  You can be on my team" he said with a warm smile.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and I let Wesley in with the groceries.  "Wesley, would you like to stay for dinner, also?" I asked.

"Oh, no thank you, ma'am, but I appreciate the offer" he said.

"Take the next few hours off, Wesley.  I'll let you know when I need you to come back" Finn said with a smile.

Wesley nodded and walked out of the apartment.

Finn and Emma mixed ingredients into a bowl, as I preheated the oven and boiled some water.  After they got the meat seasoned the way it should be, he taught her how to make meatball shaped balls to put on a baking sheet for the oven. 

"Eww, gross!  I have to touch that, now?" she asked apprehensively.

"It'll be fun.  Sort of like cold playdoh" he explained.

"If you say so" she said.  Meanwhile, I'm snapping pictures of her first time helping make dinner.

"Uploading those on social media?" Finn teased, since we're both constantly on Facebook.

"Maybe, maybe not – now smile!" I said, taking some more pictures of them.

I began taking a video of him explaining the process to her, and her listening to him intently.  "Who taught you how to cook so well?" I asked.

"My mum's mum is a fantastic cook.  I spent summers with her in Australia, and she taught me so much.  It's a passion I've always had, but she brought out the best in me" he said.

I smiled, still recording.  "Well, she sure seems to have done a good job, because you certainly seem to know what you're doing" I said.

"She really is the best.  Perhaps you'll meet her sometime if I ever whisk you away to my homeland" he said with a wink.

I stopped recording and put my phone down quickly.  Wow.  I don't know if he meant it how I took him to mean it or not, but could he have? 

"Come on over here, Love.  Get in here" he said, motioning me over.  I smiled and made my way over to them. 

"I told you I don't cook much, you know.  I have no idea what I'm doing" I reminded him.

"It's easy.  If your four year old daughter can do it, I'm pretty confident that you're able to, too" he teased.  I smiled and we all made dinner together, and it was the most amazing feeling.

  *                          *                          *

After dinner was eaten and dishes were cleared, Emma was in bed sleeping, and Finn was sitting on the couch beside me.  He was flipping through channels and I lost myself in thought.

"You seem about a million miles away, Love, are you alright?" Finn asked.

"What?" I asked in surprise, remembering my dream.

"Is it anything you want to talk about?" he asked me.

I shook my head.  "No, I'm okay.  Just have a lot on my mind lately" I said.

He nodded and put his arm around me as we found something to watch.

"Aren't you tired of hanging around with me and Emma so much?  We're kind of cramping your style, aren't we?" I asked with a laugh.

"Nah, I'm not tired of you, at least not yet" he said with a wink.  "Why, are you trying to get rid of me or something?" he teased.

I laughed.  "Not at all, I'm just surprised you want to trade your wild and crazy adventures for boring nights in with us" I said.

"Trust me, Darling.  I'm on my most wild and crazy adventure yet" he said.

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