Chapter 64

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Stephanie called to tell me the good news! After dating for what seemed like forever, in her opinion, Colin finally asked her to marry him! She was ecstatic and so was I. In my opinion, I felt they should have gotten married long ago, but his pride got in the way of actually doing it.

After the proposal story, and describing the ring to me, and talking about some preliminary wedding details, we decided we needed to get together soon. We made plans to have lunch next week.

When she and I hung up the phone, I went in to the living room and told Finn, Poppy and Charlie the good news. "Well it's about bloody time. They've been together forever!" Finn said with a laugh.

"Yeah, no kidding! Steph and I made plans to get together next week. Knowing how hard planning a semi-society birthday party for a five year old can get, I'm sure she's going to be a ball of stress the moment she announces her high-society wedding to the world" I said.

"Oh you can bet on that. Steph isn't the one to deal with stress easily, either. I definitely don't envy Colin right now. That's why I'm glad my family doesn't give a damn about society" Finn said with a chuckle.

"So your wedding wasn't a society event?" I asked, turning to Poppy.

"God no, Charlie's not from society, and I've never fancied it, so we just had a simple wedding on the beach back home" she said.

"I'll bet it was beautiful" I said.

"Breath taking. It was your typical beach wedding at sunset, but it was just so gorgeous and perfect. I couldn't have asked for a more amazing day. It was magical" she reminisced, cuddling into Charlie's arms.

"I wish I could've been there" I told her.

"Just promise me I'll get to be at yours" she said with a sly smile.

"You act as if you think I'll ever get married" Finn teased her.

Poppy shrugged. "You'd be surprised what I think" she said with a wink.

"On that note, I'm going to go jump in the shower" I said with a laugh, standing up and excusing myself from the room, and from the conversation. I knew it was way too early for any talks of that, and my blushing self wouldn't make it very far without embarrassing myself.

"She ran out of here pretty fast" Charlie noticed with a laugh.

"You would too, if your boyfriend of a week's sister is implying marriage already" Finn teased.

"You didn't leave" Poppy said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You stuck around, you didn't get uncomfortable and walk away. Why?" she asked curiously.

"Because I'm used to your crazy antics by now, little sister" he teased.

"No, it's because you've already thought about it!" she pointed out.

"I have not, Pop. We've literally only been together a week, and I quite enjoy things the way they've been going so far" he said.

"Finnick. In the last week you have not only asked out the girl you've been crushing on for a crazy long time in a city you whisked her away to so that she could fulfill her dream of taking her daughter to Disney, but you've also moved her into your apartment and told her you loved her. All in one week. Explain to me how marriage could have possibly not crossed your mind after all of that" she said.

He sighed. "I don't want to risk our relationship by thinking of things way before they should be happening. The other things – they just happened naturally. But thinking about marriage is not the natural step after one week" he told her.

"No, of course it's not. But come on, Finn! Throw me a bone here! You are going to marry this girl one day, aren't you!?" she begged.

"Perhaps, one day. Depends on if I should get so lucky to make it that far." he said, not really giving her a straight answer and Charlie smirked at this.

"You're infuriating," she said with a pout, but she was laughing anyway.

He shrugged. "I'm your older brother. I'm supposed to irritate the shit out of you. It's my job" he teased her.

* * *

I walked out of the bathroom and Charlie was sitting at the kitchen counter, drawing something.

"I didn't know you draw. Hey, wow, those are really good! Mind if I look?" I asked.

"Sure, Rory. I really enjoy it. I used to work for a company in Australia where I did a lot of illustrations for them – logos, mascots and such. But I had to quit in order to come to the states. I've been looking for work here in New York in this field, but there's not really much out there right now. So for now, it's just a passionate hobby" he said.

"Wow, Charlie! You're really talented!" I exclaimed, flipping through the pages.

"I hope you don't mind, but I actually made these for you. I found a story you must've written for Emma. You're an amazing writer, by the way. I made them to correspond with the story. See, there's Eva the main character, and there's her mom Ruby..." he explained and Rory was floored.

"Charlie, these are seriously amazing – this is exactly how I pictured these characters! How did you – do this!?" I asked in shock.

He shrugged. "I just used your description in the story. It really is a very good story. Have you ever thought about writing children's books? I think you'd be fantastic at it!" he said.

"I – well – no, I've never even thought about it. Have you ever thought about being an illustrator for books? Because that's a line of work I'm almost positive you could get into!" I said.

"Hey, what's going on?" Finn asked, coming out of Emma's room. "Look at these, Finn! Your brother-in-law is insanely talented!" I exclaimed.

Finn walked over and picked up the pictures and smiled, knowing they were from the series of stories I wrote to read to Emma at bedtime. "Bloody brilliant, mate. She's right, you are insanely talented" he said, patting him on the shoulder.

"I'm not the only one, Mate. Your girl here needs to write children's books. I don't know why she's not doing this already. This story is fantastic" Charlie said.

"Well of course it is, Mate! This is the great Rory Gilmore you're talking about, good sir" Finn said with a wink.

The Legend - A Gilmore Girls Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora