Chapter 98

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Rory's POV

I awoke in confusion and looked around at my surroundings. A hospital? But why, what happened? How did I get here? I tried hard to remember anything that could've happened to put me here, but my mind was blank.

The door opened slowly and Odette poked her head in, smiling when she saw my eyes opened. "You're awake! How do you feel?" she asked gently, coming into the room in a hurry.

"I – I'm more confused than anything... What happened? I was out with you girls, and then I wake up here..." I told her.

"That guy you were dancing with... He got arrested last night. We're so lucky the guys showed up, because he drugged you, and was planning to take you home. He even managed to leave with you, but the guys caught up with him outside" she told me.

"What!?" I exclaimed.

She nodded. "Yeah, if it hadn't been for Finn keeping a close eye on you, we may not have realized you were gone until it was too late" she whispered.

"Finn? He – he saved me?" I whispered.

Odette crossed the room and sat down beside me on the bed. "Rory, I'm really fuzzy on the details because I didn't see it happen, but Logan told me the guy had you at knife point, and that that's when Finn saved you..." she whispered.

I drew in a deep, shaky breath, bringing my hand to my mouth in surprise. "He saved me from a guy with a knife? Where is he?" I whispered.

"He's here... in the ER. Logan's with him now. From what I've heard, though, it wasn't as bad of a cut as they originally thought, and he will get to go home today. I'm sure he'll have to take it easy for a few days, but he's not in any danger or anything" she said.

"He got stabbed!?" I exclaimed, trying to jump out of bed to go see him.

"Hey, wait, we need to make sure you're all better before you go running around the hospital" she said.

"Where's Emma!?" I asked her, realizing she wasn't with her or Logan, and remembering that my mom couldn't take today off, she was having a huge event at the Dragonfly today. It was one of her conditions for babysitting the night before, that she needed to be home in plenty of time so she wouldn't be late.

"She's with Poppy and Charlie, don't worry, she's safe. I didn't tell your mom about you being in the hospital, I didn't want to worry her. I figured if you wanted her to know, I'd let you tell her" she said.

I nodded and sighed. "I can't believe Finn really did that for me" I whispered.

"You can't!? Why on earth not? The guy is clearly still madly in love with you! He's crazy about you, Rory. He didn't take his eyes off of you all night" she told me.

I took out my phone and clicked on Finn's name. "Odette won't let me make a break for it to come see you, but are you okay!? She just told me what you did! Thank you so much, but are you stupid!? You could've gotten yourself killed, Finn!" I blurted out before he even had a chance to say hello, and I could hear him chuckling.

"Well, I'm happy it didn't go that route, but I can't say that it wouldn't have been worth it, if that's what it would've taken to get you away from him, Love. I hope I never have to go through something like that again, but if I did have to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat – I wouldn't even hesitate" he said. "So how are you feeling? I've heard the come down off of one of those can be brutal."

"Are you serious right now!? You got stabbed, and you're worried about how I'm feeling!? My God, you really are an idiot, aren't you?" I teased, hearing him laugh in response was comforting. "My head feels a little funny, but mostly I'm okay – I'm hooked up to an IV drip, so God only knows what they're giving me. But how are you feeling? That's what's most important to me right now!"

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