Chapter 32

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I walked out of his master bathroom awkwardly in the silky two-piece pajamas that are his sister's – who happens to be much skinnier than I am, and the shorts which would have fit her, are crazy short on me. 

"Well, well, well...I may tell Poppy she's not getting those back" he teased.

"Oh shush" I said with a laugh, playfully swatting him.   "Besides, who in their right mind brings sexy silky pajamas to spend a week with their brother" she asked laughing.

"Meh, it's just what she wears, I guess.  Besides, I never see her in them, so I had no idea what type of pajamas she wears, but I can tell you I'm not complaining one bit" he said with a wink, and I blushed.   "So anyway, are you too tired, or would you want to stay up and watch a movie with me?" he asked.

"I mean, I am really tired, it's been a crazy and draining day, but I can watch a movie with you" I said with a shrug.

He pulled down the blankets on his bed and we both got inside of it.  OH – MY – GOSH – MOST – COMFORTABLE – BED – EVER!

"This bed is making me never want to touch mine ever again – it's so comfortable!" I said with a laugh.

He smiled and nodded.  "Yeah,  my bed is pretty damn comfortable" he agreed.

I laid my head down on his super soft pillows as he picked up the remote, and turned on the TV.  "Cooking channel instead?" he asked.

"Sure!" I said, excited that he remembered.

He switched the channel on, and we laid there for a few moments, beginning to watch the competition between four chefs who are required to incorporate secret mandatory ingredients, until he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.  "Is this okay?" he asked, making sure I was comfortable – both physically and emotionally.

I nodded and snuggled my head onto his chest and breathed deep.  I will never be able to get enough of the smell of his cologne.

*                                  *                              *

The next morning, I woke up with Finn's arms wrapped around me tightly.  I don't think he ever let go of me that night.  Somehow I feel like I might have brought him a sense of comfort, following the news of his sister, the same as the comfort he brought me from my horrendous day I'd had as well.

I turned over onto my other side, since my arm was falling asleep, and my movement caused him to stir.  "Good morning, beautiful" he said in a low, raspy voice, and then he took in a deep, cleansing breath.

I smiled from ear to ear.  "Good morning.  I didn't realize you were such a cuddly sleeper" I said with a laugh.

"Neither did I" he said with a chuckle.

"What?  How would you not know that?" I asked with a laugh.

He shrugged.  "I've never stuck around with anyone long enough to find out, I always left right after" he said.

"So you've never spent the night with anyone?" I asked in surprise.

"Well, not sleeping, no.  I always left before it came to that.  I've never actually slept with anyone before – whether we had sex or not" he said.

"Wow...I mean that's awful for those girls, but I'm just surprised there are more firsts...  I really wasn't expecting that" I said.

"Yeah, I'm not exactly proud of my previous behavior.  I just never cared enough about any of them to want to stick around" he said.

"But you care about me?" I asked.

"It's not like I haven't said that over and over and over" he teased.

"Well...I don't like your past, but it brought you to where you are today, so I can't hate it, either...but I am very happy that in your eyes, I'm clearly not like the other girls.  I'm just trying to gauge to what extent that seems to be" I whispered.

"Oh, believe me, Love.  I'm pretty sure you already know the answer to that" he said with a wink, and then he got up out of bed and headed towards the bathroom, and I got dressed in my normal clothes quickly.

*                                  *                              *

Finn and I walked into the living room where Poppy was already sitting, waiting for us, with an amused look on her face.  "Well good morning to both of you" she said with a laugh.

"Good morning, Poppy" I said with an embarrassed smile.

"So I walked in to talk to Finn about something this morning, and realized my brother – the guy who absolutely hates the idea of sharing his bed with anyone – had you in bed with him.  And cuddling, no less!  What the hell happened last night!?  Did you guys finally hook up?" she asked.

"No, we didn't hook up, it was just after midnight and I decided it would be safer at this time of night if she would just stay here" he said.

"You just decided.  No arms were twisted, no stars needed to align, no begging had to be done...  This was actually your idea?" she asked in shock, and I giggled watching her grill him.

"Yes, it was my idea" he said.

"And you two didn't cop a root?" she asked.

He laughed.  "No, Poppy, we didn't have sex" he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Oh my god, Finn, this is HUGE!  Like, monumentally huge!  It would be one thing if you had sex and you decided against sending her home after, but you actually invited her to spend the night and you didn't even shag!  I can't believe it!  I'm so proud of you, Finny!" she exclaimed.

Finn and I both laughed.  "If you want breakfast, I suggest you come along, Little Sister" he said, dismissing everything she'd just said, but he was smiling.

She got her shoes on and her jacket while I went to get my shoes and purse from Finn's room.  "By the way, Big Brother, I want my pajamas back" she said with a laugh, and with that, they waited for me to come back and we all walked out of the apartment.

*                                  *                              *

"So are you all packed and ready for Anaheim?" Finn asked.

I laughed.  "Um, honestly?  I haven't even started" I admitted.

"Oh wow, what in the world has come of the great Rory Gilmore!?  I mean, I haven't either, but that's normal for me.  You're the one that likes to have everything done early - with checklists, no less!" he said with a laugh.

"I know, I think you're breaking me" I said, laughing too.

"How about Poppy and I drop you off at your place, and then whenever we're done packing, I'll head back over and pick you up?  Is Emma going to be riding with you or with Logan?" he asked.

"She'll be riding with Logan.  We decided there was no reason to switch her since they already had her last night and we'll both be seeing her all weekend" I said.

The car made its way to my apartment and parked outside.  "Okay, you take care while you're here – I still don't like you being here by yourself.  I just have a shifty feeling about this apartment...  Anyway, call me if you need anything, and I'll be back shortly.  Poppy's already packed and I won't take long" he said.

"Okay then, I'll see you both soon" I said, and I left the town car to go inside.

"You've so got the hots for her, Big Brother.  It's the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my entire life.  I'm so happy you two have found each other.  It makes me feel better, in case something happens to me, you know..." Poppy trailed off.

"Hey, don't talk like that.  We're winning this fight, remember?  And I'm not taking no for an answer" he said with a wink.

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