Chapter 24

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Oh, what the hay, I'm bored & felt like putting out another chapter.  Doing my taxes didn't take me long at all, and I'm happy with my refund, so here's a celebration chapter! 🎉 ENJOY!!

When we were finished at Dylan's Candy Bar, we got back into the limo heading to drop Poppy off at Finn's place because she was tired from all the activity, and he was planning to come over and spend some time with us before we needed to go to bed. 

"Can we listen to the radio?" Emma begged.

"Sure thing, Little Love.  Coming right up" he said with a smile, fiddling with the stereo system.  The first song on was Can't Stop the Feeling and coincidentally my daughter just so happened to have the entire Trolls movie and song list memorized, so she knew the words to the entire song.  Finn was impressed and floored that she was an even cooler kid than he originally thought.  The two of them started dancing and singing animatedly together in their seats.

Poppy and I just sat there laughing at the sight, but soon we couldn't help but join in with them.

Happy by Pharrell was on next, which she knew from Despicable Me 2, and we were all so wound up and giggly from the sugar high, we kept dancing and singing like crazy.  I hadn't laughed this hard in a long time, and we were all having a blast.

And then the next song on was Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars, and Emma didn't know it. Poppy and I took this chance to catch our breath, but I was surprised to see Finn still singing. 

"Someone thinks he's being smooth" Poppy whispered with a wink, elbowing me gently.  I just laughed and watched him get super into the song, exaggerated hand gestures and everything.

Emma laughed hysterically, probably thinking this was one the funniest thing she's ever seen – at least I did.  The serious look in his eyes wasn't lost on me, though. Beneath his playful surface I could hear his message loud and clear, even though I pretended not to notice, but it was hard to hide my growing smile.

When the song was over, he turned the radio off and leaned back in his seat and took a deep breath, trying to wind down.  "That was quite a performance, Big Brother" Poppy teased.

"I do what I can" he said nonchalantly with a smile, breathless.

I laughed.  "You okay there, Old Man?" I teased.

"Oh, I'll show you Old Man" he growled and for a moment I caught a glimpse of the old Finn.

I laughed and we approached his building.  "Of course you live on Park Avenue" I said with a laugh.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"Nothing, it just makes a lot of sense.  It's close to work, it's a nice neighborhood, and it costs more than my entire annual salary just to live here for six months" I teased.

"Wait, so you've never been to his apartment before?" Poppy asked.

"I have!" Emma exclaimed.

Poppy was confused why Emma would have and not me.  "She's my God daughter, Pop.  She's Logan's daughter, too, remember?  They come over to visit from time to time" Finn said with a laugh.

"Oh, right, I did know that.  Well, why don't you come on up and Finn can give you the tour!" Poppy exclaimed.

I didn't want to accept the invitation since it wasn't Finn himself who extended it, in case he felt uncomfortable with the idea.  The driver opened the door and helped Poppy out, and Finn followed her, extending his hand for me.  "You coming, Love?" he asked with a smile.

I smiled too, and I took his hand with Emma following behind me.  Much to my surprise, he didn't let go of my hand whenever we were out of the car, and walking inside.

*                                                          *                                                          *

Emma and I walked in behind Finn and Poppy.  I was in awe, but she seemed completely unfazed.  "Oh wow...this place's like a hotel...  I can't believe you actually live here.  This has to be one of the nicest places I've ever seen, and I've seen some nice ones" I said.

"Well, thank you, I like it here a lot" he said.

"Makes me wonder why in the world you slum it at my place so often, though" I teased.

"Yeah, but notice I never sleep there and I complain about your horrible couch" he teased back with a wink.

I laughed and shrugged.  "Yeah, well, that's just because you're a snob" I teased back.

He laughed and Emma came over with the TV remote.  "Uncle Finn, can I watch TV?" she asked.

"We're not staying very long, baby girl.  It's almost your bed time" I reminded her.

"How about I take you on the tour first, and then we'll head out" he said.

I nodded, and from where we were standing, we could see the open floor plan showing the living room, kitchen and stunning view of Manhattan through the enormous picture windows surrounding the space, he showed me the guest bathroom, his two guest bedrooms and his master bedroom with a connected office.  There were floor to ceiling, wall to wall panoramic windows in each bedroom and the office.

"I so want to live here" I said laughing.

"Don't tempt me, Love.  I already hate that I don't feel you're very safe at your own apartment" he teased back

"My apartment's fine" I said with a laugh, looking around some more.  "Wow.  I just can't believe you're lucky enough to get to live here.  This is amazing" I said.

"Come on, Love.  Let's get Little Love home to her bed" he said.  I nodded, and he led me back to the living room.

"It was so good to get to you know and Emma better tonight, Rory.  I absolutely adore you two!  Thank you so much for helping domesticate my rogue brother" Poppy said with a smile.

"I've done no such thing" I teased.

"Oh yeah right, Love" he said with a laugh.

"But you take it easy tonight and get some rest.  Hopefully we'll be seeing more of each other soon" I said.

"Bye, Princess Poppy!" Emma said, sad to have to leave her new friend.

"I'll see you soon, Emma!  On the plane to Anaheim!" Poppy told her.

"The plane?  What's Anaheim?" Emma asked confusedly.

"I...  Kind of haven't told her about that yet..." I said slowly.

"Oh no!  I'm so sorry!  I'm shutting up, not another word!  Besides goodnight, Sweet Emma.  You three have a good rest of your night" she said, and I laughed a little as we walked out of Finn's home.

We walked back down to the parking lot and got back into the limo where he pulled me into his arms.  "So you've officially become BFF's with my sister and you've seen my place" he pointed out.

I nodded.  "She seems incredible and as for your place, it's really beautiful.  I love it" I said.

He smiled and turned the radio back on.  "Good!  Now, where were we, ladies?" he asked, continuing to serenade us.

"You've done lost your mind" I teased with a smile.

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