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I put my things on table and get ready for that big math test.Not to forget I also have to help Romeo in it.hope we won't get caught while texting.
I hide the phone under the table when Mr.Lee came to give me the quiz paper.He passes me a the page and I smile lightly which he returned by a raised eyebrows.


Maybe me smiling for first time make him suspicious. I quickly dropped my smile and take the paper from his hand.He shook his head and scroll through the other seats.My eye wandered toward the page while I read every question and sigh in relief.

Luckily I know the answers of all questions.

Its true I'm a nerd.I don't have anything to do so I study all the time.Well for last few days I'm ditching my studies to talk to this Romeo but I don't regret. He sure make me feel better
I smile and open the screen of my phone carefully hiding it under table and peeking on teacher.He was at last table.I open the messenger app and type

tell me questions number
and I'll tell the answers

be careful not to get caught

Mr.Lee have petty eyes

Mr.Lee walk back to front and rest on his chair giving us all a suggestive look.I shook it off and start writng on paper. After some seconds I feel vibration from my phone. I take a glance at my teacher.he was looking at his phone which make me sigh.I quickly open his msg

Dead Romeo:

Dead Romeo:
wHat iF I tEll yOu I dOnt knOw aNy oF tHe 'ANSWERS'.

Dead Romeo:

I wont be surprise tho


So there's only ten
Questions/Mcqs. Im gonna write the correct Answers in order.

You just have to circle
the right one on your papers

get it?

Dead Romeo:
I'm nOt tHat duMp okAy..

yeAh cleaRly wHo fOrGet tHe bIg teSt

Dead Romeo:
aRe yOu shAdiNg mE?

noPe I'm cOlouRiNg yOu

Dead Romeo:

hahaha whatever
these are the answers....


I quickly tap on send button and smile when it reads seen.It was only until when I heard a hand slammed on my desk.I jump up from my seat and clutch my heart.Mr.Lee was giving me a strange smirk type look while crossing his hands over his chest.

It was this moment when I know I FUCKED UP.

"What do we have here?"
He smirk gesturing at my hand who was holding a phone.I look down embarrassed not knowing what I have caught myself into.His face quickly turn into a dead one when he point a finger at me

"you Ms.Kang I thought as a good student.You disappoint me.You will get a serious punishment for it"
he warned me in a threatful manner and I just bite onto my lips.It's not like im scared of punishment i'm just scared of humiliation.

"I may spare you if you tell whom you were talking to or helping"
I look up at him and his eyes were serious.
What should i do.Tell him about Romeo. No no he may get in problems. I can't be that selfish.After all I was the one who offered him for help.It was my fault
I shook my head as a no and his brows crashed together. Maybe he was not expecting me to do that.I disappointed him real hard.

"I didnt help anyone.I was the one taking help. I was copying from my phone cuz I forgot about the test"
I look down again feeling embarrassed. All eyes were on me.Mr.Lee was shock as fuck.seriously I'm making my self a cheater infront of others bcz of Romeo.

I dont even know his name yet

Did you ever cheated and got caught?

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