Here Comes Forever Girl ~ Chapter 47

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Charl's POV

As Ross and I stood outside,in the doorway of the diner,the rain continued to fall down from the murky grey sky...

Rain fascinated me...

The way it was so transparent and pretty.

How each and every drop of rain went down alone,but ended up pooled together in a puddle of its own kind...

That's the thing I like the best about rain, it doesn't even try to find a friend when it's falling,but when it hits the ground,it finds a friend/a group of friends in a puddle.

If you think about it,we spend our whole lives trying to fit in,where as a drop of rain doesn't care where it ends up,but it does end up where it's supposed to be.

If only people acted like a drop of rain.

From the corner of my eye,I watched Ross stare at me in awe.

"The rains pretty isn't it?" Ross asked.

I nodded slowly,happy that he had noticed that I like the rain.

"If only people were like raindrops..." I sighed.

"What do you mean?" Ross asked.

I explained the whole raindrop thing and Ross agreed with every word that left my mouth.

"You're so..." Ross paused for a moment and thought of an adjective to make me feel good about myself. "Intelligent." He continued.

"Thanks..." I giggled.

Ross and I stood in silence,me watching the rain and Ross watching me.

I noticed from the corner of my eye that Ross was debating whether or not to reach out and hold my hand.

I slowly move my arm next to Ross's so he gets the hint and interlaces his fingers with mine.

Ross pulls me into him and holds my other hand.

I can feel him kiss my forehead and play with my hair.

"I love you..." Ross whispered softly against my head.

"I love you too."I smiled,squeezing our hands.

Ross pulled me in closer and hugged me tight.

I felt his leg vibrate and giggled.

Ross sighed heavily and checked his phone.

"It's Rydel,she said that the bus is leaving in five minutes,with or without us in it..."

"We better go then..."

Ross once again interlaced his fingers into mine and we started walking across the car park,in the pouring rain.

"Ross! Go faster!" I screamed as each drop of rain landed on my head.

"No,embrace the rain!"

"I'm soaking!"

"Well it doesn't matter if you get wetter then does it?" Ross smartly replied.


I let go of Ross's hand and started to walk faster in front of him.

Ross ran in front of me and stood there like a brick wall.

"Just live a little..." Ross whispered.

Our lips crashed together and I felt like I was walking on air.

I opened my eyes and pulled away, only to be lifted up and kissed again.

I wrapped my legs around Ross's waist and kissed him back.

I never want this kiss to stop.

But, the audience of Coss shippers that were all huddled around the drivers seat accidentally hit the horn,scaring the life out of both of us.

Ross put me down and we walked back to the bus together.

"That moment when we kissed, in the car park,pouring rain..." Ross whispered softly into my ear as he lifted me up onto the bus.

"I ain't no super girl,but I can change your world..." I whispered back.

"Ooooh,here comes forever girl..." Ross smiled.

Authors Note

Hey guys!

This chapter was really fun and I enjoyed making lots of cute coss moments.

QOTD ~ What did you think of this chapter?

Please comment what you thought about this chapter,not just 'update plz' or numbers etc.

I really want to know what you think about my writing and whether you like reading it or not.

I need at least 25 votes and 15 comments to update again soon!

Please check out my other fanfic called 'Sh,Your Rydellingtons Showing' the more reads and votes I get on that,the quicker I will update this fanfic!

Please vote comment and fan!

Charl x

Road Tripping With My Friends - A Ross Lynch/R5 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now