A Kiss On The Lips (Part Two) ~ Chapter 15

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Ross's POV

I get off the bus super excited to teach Charl how to ice skate. Maybe I can make my move on her aswell,without Riker interrupting this time...

I think Charls scared about ice skating though,she hasn't said a word in ages and her once lightly tanned skin is as pale as a glass of milk.

We walk towards the ice skate booth in silence, I buy the tickets while Charl's becoming paler and paler by the minute.

Without warning, Charl starts to walk away from the stand.

She's not getting away that quickly,she needs to face her fear of ice skating.

I grab Charls wrist and pull her back next to me.

"Nope,your staying here with me" I said smiling while wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"Nooooooo!" Charl moans loudly.

"Shhh come on you'll be fine" I reassure her.

We make our way to the front of the queue and get our black ice skates.

Charl and I walk over to a bench and I quickly put on my skates.

I glance over and see Charls getting frustrated because she can't do up her skates.

"Having trouble there?" I ask while bending down and doing up her skates.

"Thanks." Charl replys watching me tighten her skates.

"Tight enough?"


I hold out my hand and Charl takes it, following me to the edge of the ice rink.

"Promise me you won't let go?" I asked Ross hopefully.

Well,I'm obviously not going to let Charl go, I love her and I need to make my move on her fast.

"Promise" I replied squeezing Charls hand reassuringly.

Together Charl and I glide over the white ice together.

She's really good! Almost as good as me ;)

"And you said you couldn't ice skate" I said smiling.

"This is so much fun!" Charl giggles.

"It's even better because your here" I said flirtatiously.

Charl looked up at me and smiled,which caused her to slip backwards.

Oh god,I can't let her fall.

Charl was inches away from landing on the hard ice when I reached down and wrapped my arms around her waist.

After I had safely deposited her back onto her two feet I gave her a warm cuddle.

So maybe she's not that good at ice skating,well not yet anyways...

"So maybe your not that good at ice skating...." I giggled tapping Charls cute nose with a numb finger.

"Yeah,maybe I'm not" Charl replied snuggling my neck.

"Thanks for saving my life" Charl shyly said.

"Anytime princess" I replied while tucking a piece of hair long blonde behind her ear.

Slowly I move my hand onto Charls soft cheek.

I could feel my lips start to pout and my head starting to move towards Charls,I want to kiss her so,so bad.

She's so beautiful,she could get any boy,any day.

I just want her to be mine...

I leaned further and further towards her inviting looking red lips.

Road Tripping With My Friends - A Ross Lynch/R5 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now