Questions... ~ Chapter 46

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Ross POV

"Umm..." I stuttered for the fifth time in a row.

Charl smiles and places her hand on top of mine.

"It's ok Ross,what's up?" Charl said soothingly.

I take a deep breath and inhale the delicious, pancake smelling air.

Calm down Ross...

She's a girl...

You're a guy...

You know what to do...

I really don't though...

I want to ask her out so bad.

But it's only been a day since my brother cheated on her with lots of girls...

I wonder if she spoke to him while I was having a bad hair day?

What if she forgave him and that they're still together?

You go through life always thinking 'What if...' but you never ask what your are actually thinking therefore you never get an answer...

There are so many ways of putting what I want to say into a question...

Here are a few suggestions ;

Will you go out with me?

Will you be my girlfriend?

Do you wanna maybe go out sometime?

Do you wanna be my girlfriend?

Do you wanna build a snowman?

^Okay,so maybe you shouldn't use that one unless it's actually snowing...

"Do you want to be my..." I paused and studied Charl's face,which was focused on me.

She looked sad,confused and was probably only plastering on a fake smile for me and for everyone around us.

She's hurting...

I just wish their was a way I could make her happy...

I would honestly do anything to see her happy,bubbly and giggly again.

Charl's POV

I leaned forward and smiled at Ross,making eye contact as if to say 'It's ok,just tell me what your thinking about.'

Ross took a deep breath in,then exhaled quickly.

"Are you and Riker still together?" Ross asked.

I could feel my face drop,my smile turned into a frown and I slumped back into my chair.

I feel disappointed...

All of those 'Um's' and 'Uh's' for one question he could have asked me anyway.

Wow,I thought he was going to ask a different question...

It's not as if he would ask me the question I'm thinking about...

He's probably only doing this out of pity...

He feels sorry for his bestfriend...

I quietly sighed and used the brief moment to think about what I was going to answer him.

"Well yes, but no,I'm not unless he's said anything to you about it... I mean I haven't like dumped him yet... I was thinking about texting him,but I think it's better to do it in person..." I said.

Ross sighed reluctantly...

I could sense the awkward tension between us.

I know Ross well and I can tell that he didn't just want to ask me that...

Ross scratched the back of his neck,which makes me exhale quickly and start another conversation with him.

The tension leaves the table and Ross and I are back to our normal self,known as being weird...

Kathy returns about twenty minutes later with my waffles and Ross's pancakes.

We scoff down our delicious food and finish the milkshake together.

"That was scrumptious!" I sang happily.

"I know right!" Ross copied me and sang in a girly voice too.

"Hey,I don't sound like that!"

"No you don't,you sound perfect... Like an angel..." Ross smiled,his voice trailing off.

I could feel my cheeks flush bright pink,so I laughed it off.

I looked out of the window and saw Ratliff running across the car park with Rydel on his back.

"Why is Ratliff running so fast?" I asked as Ratliff and Rydel leaped onto the bus.

"It's going to rain..." Ross simply replied.

"How do you know Mr Weather Guy?"

"Because, I checked my phone maybe?" Ross smirked holding up the wether forecast on his phone.

As Ross put away his phone, I received a text from Rydel.

Rydel @ 10:56am ~ We're leaving in 20 minutes so get your butts back on this bus soon or we'll leave you here!

Me @ 10:57am ~ Charming,love you too Dell x

I smiled as I locked my phone and put it back into my pocket.

"Kathy?" Ross shouted across the mostly empty diner.

"Yeah?" Kathy shouted back.

"Can I have the bill please?"

"Sure,I'll be right over!"

Kathy skated over and gave us the bill.

After ten minutes of me arguing and saying that I can pay for myself,the money was given to Kathy.

Ross refused to let me pay,so I gave Kathy a big tip for her hospitality.

"You guys should get going soon,it's about to rain..." Kathy said slowly as she watched the weather forecast from the TV,which was above the desk.

As soon as Kathy said the word 'rain' it began to pour down...

"I am not going out in that!" I cried as I stared helplessly at the rain.

I watched as the rain bounced off the floor then back down...

After a few minutes the rain started to die down,only to be replaced seconds later with thunder,lightening and even more torrential rain...

"Oh yes you are..." Ross smirked,grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door.

Oh gosh...

I'm about to get soaked...

Authors Note

Hey guys!

This chapter took sooooo long to write!

I hope you all enjoy it :)

QOTD ~ What did you think of this chapter?//Are you sad Ross never asked out Charl?

I need at least 18 comments and 28 votes before I update again sometime soon...

PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER FANFIC 'Sh,Your Rydellingtons Showing...' The more views and votes I get on that the more likely I will update it & this story :)

Can you please comment your honest opinion on this chapter and wether you liked it or not...

I work really hard on every chapter I produce so I appreciate it when I get nice feedback.

I would also appreciate actual things you like about the chapter instead of the usual ; 'too short' 'update plz' or just random letters/numbers just to get it up to the desired number of comments...

Thanks for reading & the 80,000 views.

I love you all and thank you for reading this fan fiction,I honestly appreciate it so so so SO much!

~ Charl x

Road Tripping With My Friends - A Ross Lynch/R5 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now