Cake Mix and Bow's ~ Chapter 27

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Charls POV

I run into the bathroom faster than Usain Bolt on steroids.

I quickly rip off my clothes and jump in and have a warm shower,then flop out and dry my body off.

I pull on a floral dress and a pair of pink pumps then strut out of the bathroom door.

"You look pretty!" Ross smiled.

"Thanks,I hope you didn't have to wait to long!" I blushed at the fact Ross had called me pretty.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Ross asked while walking out of the bedroom and into the living room / kitchen.

"What have you got?" I smirked following him into the kitchen.

"We have waffles."




"Ummm, toast?"




"No? Since when have you not liked bacon?"

"Since you almost burnt my house down,trying to cook me an English breakfast on my birthday..."

True story...

"I was only trying to make it the best birthday ever!" Ross whined.

"And it was the best birthday ever! Now back to the food,my stomachs rumbling!"

"Cake mix? Nope." Ross answered his own question.

"Wait,cake mix?"

"Yes,cake mix."

"Ross, let's bake a cake!"

I grabbed the cake mix box that was on the side and started to read the instructions.

"We need two eggs, half a cup of oil and one and a quarter cups of milk." I read instructions from the back of the cake mix box.

"Aye,aye captain!" Ross smiled doing a little jig and grabbing two eggs and a carton of milk from the refrigerator.

I open the cupboard door to reveal a treasure trove of canned tomatoes, carrots, peas, mushy peas, oranges, pineapple, peaches and lots of other canned goods which I have no intention of eating this roadtrip...

I'm moving every can in my way to the side and I'm slowly getting to the back of the cupboard.

I can see the oil.

Pretending I'm a graceful ballerina I go up onto my tip toes and try to reach the oil which is right at the back of the cupboard.

It's no good,the oil is right at the back.

Improvise Charlie,what can you use instead of the oil?

I don't know, I'm not Gordon Ramsey for Gods sake...

"Ross can you get the oil for me please?"

"Let's get it together?"


Ross leaned down and lifted me up so that I'm sitting on his shoulders then walked towards the cupboard.

I lean forwards grab the oil and pass it down to Ross who places it onto the kitchen counter.

"Ross,put me down now.... Please?" I asked wriggling about on Ross's shoulders.

"Sure." Ross replied lowering himself down so I can get off his shoulders.

Road Tripping With My Friends - A Ross Lynch/R5 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now