Messy Hair ~ Chapter 44

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Charl's POV

My eyes quickly scanned the bedside table dresser that I had left the drawing that Ross had given me last night.

It was empty,the beautifully detailed drawing had vanished.

I ran over to the dresser and crouched down,to see if the picture had fallen on the floor, behind the dresser

"What's gone?" Ross asked while placing his hand on my back.

"The drawing you did of me..." I sadly replied.

Ross kneeled down next to me and also peered under the wooden dresser.

"It can't have gone far...Maybe it's under the bed?" Ross smiled hopefully.

I crawl under the bed and only find a sock,a few crumbs and a iPod.

"Ross? Is this yours?" I ask holding out the iPod.

"YES! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS!" Ross smiled grabbing the iPod put of my hands.

"Well,at least we found something..."

"Hey,don't say that... We'll find it! I know we will!" Ross said hugging me softly.

Feeling better from Ross's hug,I search under the duvets and under the mattress in search for the picture.

Ross and I search all over the bedroom.

I'd been through everyone's draws and wardrobes,with permission of course,but the drawing was still no where to be seen...

I had one last look under everyone's duvets before giving up and plopping down onto mine and Ross's bunk.

"I give up..." I sighed,placing my head in my hands.

I felt a slight breeze and turned around to shut the window.

Has that been open all night?

"Ross,has the window been open all night?"

"Yeah,it was really hot last night so I opened it after Riker came back... Why?"

The picture must have flown out of the window...

"The drawing,it must've flown out of the window while we were sleeping..." I started to cry.

"Charl,don't cry... I'll draw another one!" Ross smiled.

"No,it won't be the same. That drawing was special,we shared a moment and it was cute..." I blushed.

Ross smiled and was about to say something when...

My stomach decided to make the rumbling notice,similar to a whale call...

"Mmm,I'm so hungry..." I giggled.

"You wanna go out for breakfast?" Ross asked.

"Sure, there's a cool 50's diner here" I grinned looking outside the window.

"We'll be at the next stop in 20 minutes so,let's get dressed,unless you plan on going out in my sweats and shirt."

"Sure,I'll race you..." I smirked.

"Your on!" Ross screamed,grabbing a pile of clothes and running into his bathroom.

I quickly follow him by grabbing some clothes and dashing into my bathroom.

I literally jumped into the shower,washed my hair and body, then I quickly got out,dried myself off and started to find a cute outfit amongst the random pile of clothes.

I found a cute white crop top with a daisy on and a pair of acid washed jeans.

I quickly slipped on the clothes,dried my hair and straightened it as well.

I admired my pretty outfit before walking back into the bedroom.

I opened my draw and put on a pair of white frilly socks,I then put on my purple vans and waited for Ross to come out of his bathroom.

I sat down on the floor and checked twitter for a while.

The bus came to a stop and I heard everyone get off the bus.

I carried on checking twitter and replying to a few of my tweets.

I checked the time.

It had been 10 minutes since Mark had stopped at the service stop.

Ross still wasn't dressed...

What was taking him so long?

"Uh,Ross..." I asked as I knocked the white bathroom door.

"Yeah?" Ross replied.

"What's taking you so long?"

Ross was quiet for a minute,probably thinking of something to say.

"If you come in do you promise not to laugh?"

"I promise." I smiled.

The door opens and I'm pulled quickly inside by Ross.

I regain my balance and wait for Ross to turn around.

His hair is a mess and he with embarrassment blushes as I look at him.

"Come here!" I giggled while playing with Ross's hair.

In less than 5 mins I had styled Ross's hair like his mom normally does.

"Now I know why Stormie does your hair." I smile,admiring the well styled mop of blonde hair.

"Haha,come on let's get some food,I'm starving!" Ross grinned while walking out of the bathroom.

"I obviously won our little race then!" I cheekily smirked.

"Yes you did and you look really pretty as well!"

"Thanks,I love your hair by the way!"

"I know right! This amazing hairdresser did it for me!"

I giggle and run my hands through my hair.

"Ready madam?" Ross asked, holding out his hand for me to take.

"Ready!" I grin walking out the bus with Ross.

Authors Note

Hey guys!

Long time no update,sorry about that I've had a welsh GCSE this weeks and lots of homework as well...

I know the chapters not long but it took forever to write!

QOTD ~ What did you think of this chapter?

I need at least 16 comments and 27 votes to update again soon.

Please don't just comment 'too short' or 'update please' or just one word/letter! I know it may be short but it takes me forever to write it and I want to know that you like and appreciate my writing! The comments help me improve my writing because I learn what parts you like / don't like.

Please check out my Rydellinton fanfic 'Shh,Your Rydellingtons Showing...' and maybe even vote and comment on it :)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

~ Charl x

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