Tear Drops ~ Chapter 26

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Ross POV ~ the next day

I wake up in the cold,empty top bunk.

No Charl to keep me company.

I look over and check on the rest of the family who are currently still sound asleep.

Riker's bunk catches my attention,there are two people sleeping sweetly together.

I get out of bed and walk over to investigate.

The other body in Riker's bed is Charl...

How could he.

I thought Riker didn't love Charl anymore.

He obviously does and this whole situation benefits him.

I still can't believe that stupid phone call from disney ruined my relationship with my bestfriend.

I just wish I could of explained myself better to Charl rather than digging a never ending hole of lies.

I'm ashamed of myself and the way I never manned up and asked Charl out before the Ferris wheel.

Everything that happened yesterday is just flying round my head.

Something wet drops on my foot so I walk into the bathroom to see what it is under the light.

It's a tear...

Crying,I undress and have a long hot shower,where I think of what to do next.

My mind is completely empty and my heart may as well be crushed into a million pieces on the floor.

Why do I even care so much?

It wasn't as if she was ever going to say yes to dating me.

Charl can easily get any boy she wants.

The warm water trickles slowly down my back.

You can't tell the tears from the water.

Only if they fall into your mouth.

Tears are salty,unlike the impossible to explain taste of water.

Pulling myself together,I stop crying and step out of the shower.

I wrap a towel around my waist and dry the water droplets off my body.

I get dressed into jeans and a hollister shirt then walk out of the bathroom not looking at Riker and Charl.

So maybe I glanced at them.

Scoffed and turned my nose at them.

And ended up stubbing my toe on my bunk bed squeeling like a pig in pain and falling on the floor.

"R-Ross?" Charl woke up from the noise of my fall. "Are you ok?."

"Um,yeah I'm fine thanks! You? Good morning." I smiled.

"I'm good thanks,good morning to you to. Why are you up so early?"

"Early bird catches the worm I suppose..."

"Um ok? If I had slept next to you last night and woke you up at this time you would of probably killed me."

"No,I wouldn't of killed you. I probably would of started talking to you about what we're doing today."

"True,Riker's like dead..." Charl snickered flicking Riker in the head.

Not quite dead though.

I could always smother him with a pillow...

"Haha,well I'm going to get some food now. See ya!"

"Wait! Ross um can I come with you? To keep you company I mean."

"Sure! Of course! You don't need to ask just come and join the conga!" I replied kicking my leg out.

"Wait! I'll be ten minutes." Charl smiled,unhooking herself from Riker's grip and running into the bathroom with a pile of clothes.

Maybe our alone time will help me get Charl back...

Only time can tell if we're meant to be...

Authors Note

Hey guys!

Aw poor Rossy :(

QOTD ~ What do you think of this story so far?

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter,sorry it's not that exciting.

I need atleast 13 comments and 18 votes to update!


~ Charl x

Road Tripping With My Friends - A Ross Lynch/R5 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now