Movie Night ~ Chapter 39

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Ross POV

I climb up the ladder in front of Charl and set all of our food at the end of the bed.

"What film do you want to watch?" I ask as I pull Charl up next to me on the bed.

"Hmm,Pitch Perfect?" Charl innocently batts her eyelashes.

"Sure" I smile while setting my laptop up.

Charl has probably seen this film about a thousand times,but I'll watch or do anything to make her happy.

"Good choice of food by the way!" Charl smirked as she placed a haribo tangfastic into her mouth.

"Haha,I hope you enjoy the five course sweet meal!"

I started clicking a few more buttons then the movie started to play.

"Come here." I said wrapping my arms around Charl.

She looks at me and gives me a teethy grin.

Oh god,I love her to death.

Charl rests her head on my chest and watches the film for a while.

I'm holding a sweet in my hand when Charl kicks me in the leg.

The sweet flys out of my hand and onto the floor,probably to be eaten by Ratliff or Rocky,whoever gets there first.

"OUCH!" I cried clutching my shin in pain.

"Sorry,a random leg spasm strikes again..." Charl giggles while watching the film.

"Hey,your not getting off that easily!" I smirk while pulling Charl on top of me.

"ROSS WERE MISSING THE FILM!" Charl squeals as she wriggles round on top of my body.

"Calm down... I paused it." I said as I paused the film with my toe.

"What do you want Mr.Lynch?"

"I wouldn't mind a kiss..."

"From who would you like this kiss?"

"From Ye prettiest girl in the world,my love,my life also known as you..." I said in an old English voice.

Charl blushed and damn,did she look cute when she blushed...

"Well Sir,your wish is my command." Charl giggled while pecking me on the lips.

"I love you,you know that?" I smiled into another kiss.

Charl pulled away as I said the word love.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked slowly.

"I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply,but I finally figured out that... I love you so much..." Charl blushed and buried her head into my chest.

"I love you too." I smiled while pressing the play button on my laptop.

Authors Note

Hey guys!

I just finished writing this chapter, sorry if it's not the best.

I'm trying to update but I have tests to revise for so I'm sorry about that!

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Thank you so much for reading!

Please vote,comment and fan.

~ Charl x

Road Tripping With My Friends - A Ross Lynch/R5 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now