A Kiss On The Lips (Part One) ~ Chapter 14

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Charls POV

"Mark honey,how far away is the ice rink from here?" Stormie asked

"About 20 minutes away,so amuse yourselves kids" Mark replied happily

"ROSSYY!" I screeched loudly "Come over here nowwwww!"

"Yes?" Ross asked flirtatiously while smirking slightly

"I'm scared"

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of falling flat on my face infront of everyone"

"Don't be,Ratliff does that all the time anyway!"

"Hey!" Ratliff chipped in "It takes talent to fall over on flat surfaces!"

"It sure does buddy!" Ross replied enthusiastically while patting Ratliff on the back

The next 20 minutes is spent with Ratliff teaching Ross and I now to fall over on a flat surface. This will come in handy I'm sure (note sarcasm)

At the ice rink

As we start walking towards the ice skate booth I can feel butterflies darting around in my stomach. That's it,I've had enough already. I start to walk away from the stand when Ross grabs my wrist.

"Nope,your staying here with me" Ross said smiling while wrapping an arm around my shoulder

"Nooooooo!" I moan loudly

"Shhh come on you'll be fine" Ross reassures me

Slowly we make our way to the front of the queue and get our ice skates.
Then Ross and I wander over to the bench and I attempted to put on my skates.

"Having trouble there?" Ross asks while bending down and doing up my skates

"Thanks" I reply happily watching him tighten the skates

"Tight enough?"


Ross holds out his hand and I take it, following him to the edge of the ice rink.

"Promise me you won't let go?" I asked Ross hopefully

"Promise" Ross replied squeezing my hand tightly

Wow,I've never felt so reassured by one word before. Ross just makes me feel special,like I'm the only girl in the world and when I'm with him I feel like I can do anything or be anyone.

I take a deep breath and together we step out onto the white ice.

One step,two step I start to get the hang of gliding my feet in and out over the sparkling white ice.

"And you said you couldn't ice skate" Ross said smiling.

"This is so much fun!" I giggle

"It's even better because your here"

Once those words had come out of Ross's mouth I quickly glanced up and grinned at him. I instantly regretted doing that...

By looking up into Ross's hazel eyes it caused me to slip backwards.

I was falling,not gracefully at all.

I could feel my body tense up ready to hit the rock hard ice.

This is going to hurt...

I was inches away from falling to my death when a strong masculine arm wrapped round my waist and hoisted me back up onto my two feet.

I was shivering so the guy gave me a warm,protective cuddle.

Wondering who had basically saved my life I looked up to see who was hugging me.

Road Tripping With My Friends - A Ross Lynch/R5 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now