Chapter 50: Persuasion

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XXX Cafe

Lisa's POV

I arrive at the cafe where I will meet chill. Glancing at my watch... I am too early. Knowing Chill, he would be late because he is so lazy to move... like a sloth.

I might as well order some drinks. I still have 10 minutes to wait for that guy.

Making my way towards the counter, a guy on his twenties greeted me with a smile. I just hope he doesn't recognize me... well how could he? I am wearing a mask and my hair is kinda multi-colored and curly. So far from "Lisa's" hair.

"May I take your order, ma'am?" He asked me with a wide smile.

"Iced americano, please." As he was punching my order he keeps on glancing at me. I gave him my card but still he keeps on glancing at me. Does he recognize me? No way!

"Is there something wrong with my face?" I asked. "You keep on glancing at me."

"U-uhmm... are you perhaps...." no don't ask I am Lisa. Don't ask if I am Lisa. I crossed my fingers inside my pocket.

"That guy's girlfriend?" He then pointed someone behind me. Wait... what?

"Huh?" I looked at him puzzled.

"The guy behind you kept looking at you and trying to poke at you but keeps on hesitating." He whispered at me.

I turned around and saw a grinning Chill with his hands caught on mid-air that looks like he is going to poke me. His shocked face is priceless. I held back my laugh.

"Aish! I was going to surprise you, goddess." He pouted.

"But, it seems you are the one who were surprised." I raised my brow to him.

"Well... if weren't for that guy over there, I would've." He pouted while pointing at the guy over the counter.

The guy took a step back when Chill glared at him. I saw him tremble and went scampering away to get my order.

"Hey, don't be mean." I laughed. I took a glance at the people behind Chill. They are glaring at me and if glares can kill, I would be buried six feet under the ground by now.

"Do your gang hate me that much? They've been glaring at me all this time." I looked at them amused.

"What can you say? YOU are ZQUEEN afterall." He grinned.

"M-ma'am... h-here's your i-iced a-americano." Poor thing... he is too scared of Chill.

"Look what you've done, Chill. The guy is scared." I looked at the guy and bowed. "Thank you and don't be scared of this guy. He is a dork." I said as I grabbed my drink.

"Goddess! I am not a dork!" This guy really likes to pout. As if he is cute. Hahahaha just kidding.

"Order your drinks. I'll wait over there." I pointed to a long table by the corner.

I walked towards the table and plopped myself to a comfy seat. I glanced at the people by the counter who ordered their drinks but still glaring at me. Are they on a glaring parade? Geez!

I almost jumped when my phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket. Jungkook texted me. Oops! I forgot to tell him I went out.

Lisa, wr on earth r u? I've been looking all ovr 4 u.

I was about to reply when my phone rings. He is calling me. Seriously? He is such a worry wart.

"Yes, love?" I answered to him sweetly.

"Don't use that tone to me Lisa. Where are you?" He is angry.

"I am at XXX cafe. I am meeting someone." No use in hiding it from him. He would just interrogate me more.

She's A Gangster (LISA and JUNGKOOK Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora