"We should probably go get showered, then head over to the pack doctor to check up on them. Also, you should probably go find Shea and tell him what happened." I nodded my head as we both stood up and started the short walk to his pack.


I was all fresh and clean now and I was sitting next to Wren's sleeping figure. I decided to see him first, since I would be in Akai's room all night.

The room held a deafening silence, except for the loud beeping of his heart monitor, which was the only thing giving me hope in this moment. He had to make it.

They had washed off his body, so he wasn't fully covered with his blood. Now you could clearly see all the gashes, cuts and rips decorating his pale skin. I ran my fingers over one that was lying on his neck; it was big, but the doctors had sewn it up. When my fingers ran over it, a flashback of how he got it flashed through my mind. He had been too focused on making sure I made it out safe, that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings. And those nasty wolves didn't waste any time in sinking their claws into his neck.

I snatched my finger away from his neck as the visual went away. Instead, I placed my hands on his flushed cheeks where only small scratches sat. His face was sickly cold and lacked color. I was just waiting for his big eyes to open up and say this was all a joke.

He didn't deserve to die like this. He might've did some bad things, but he wasn't a bad person. He just didn't have a strong willpower and he let my manipulative mother plant sick thoughts into his head, until he started to believe them himself. He never fully recovered from his mother's death and I think that places a big role into the messed up things he's done in the past few days. He's been slowly losing track of the real him. I knew I was making excuses for his despicable actions, but nobody wants to see their loved one die like that.

The crazy thing is, we'd always joke about stuff like this as a kid. Wren would always say "Watch I'm going to die from saving you because you barely go to combat training." We would both laugh and keep going about our day. It was a silly thing to say back then, but it was a reality now. There was a potential that this could be my last time seeing him breathing and barely being alive.

I stood up and leaned over Wren's body. I gave him a long look, just memorizing all his features because I didn't know if this would be the last time I saw him. A small smile rose onto my lips as I watched his chest slowly rise, then deflate.

I placed a quick kiss to his forehead. "I forgive you." And that's the last thing I said to him before I walked out and went to Akai's room.

Akai's room was crowded compared to Wren's. He had so many people that loved and cared about him and his well-being. I was glad to know he had a strong support system.

I squeezed past everyone, until I was right by his bed where Shea was standing with a stone cold face as he looked down at Akai's almost lifeless body. I wrapped one arm around his waist and leaned my head against his shoulders.

Akai was a strong man and I knew with all the love and support, he was going to make it out with his life. I wasn't leaving this hospital alone, him and Wren would be by my side, well a guard would probably have Wren by the arm or something, but they would still all be there.

"He'll be fine." I whispered to Shea. He nodded his head absentmindedly. I wrapped my arm around him tighter, letting him know I was there for him.

Dream, my little mateWhere stories live. Discover now