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Spring is now fully felt. Soon the exams will begin. But that won't be that hard.

I sit with Carissa on a tree and watch the others during the weekly training.
"I know it", I say and she looks at me confused.
"From whom?", she asks.
"Grayson told me", I look at her,
"How do you want to do that?".
She is thinking,
"I don't know yet, maybe we can talk it out", she says.
"Carissa, at the moment it isn't possible to negotiate anything with them, they won't want to hear, they just want to claim their rights to the child, even though they know that they aren't entitled to it", I say and look to Renesmee, who is sitting next to Rosalie.
"Well, let's clarify that later", I say a bit calmed down.
"By the way, since when do you and Grayson get along so well again?", she asks, grinning.
"I met him in the woods yesterday, he told me on the way home", I say.
"Why were you in the woods?", she doesn't give up.
"I wanted to go to the cliffs, I hadn't been there for a long time, it started to thunder and when a lightning struck next to me, I ran back into the forest and there I met him", I say and see Tom and Serena in the fight, they have learned a lot and are now better in the fight.
"What is with you and Tom?", she asks suddenly, to which I'm briefly perplexed.
"What should be?", I just ask back and jump off the tree. I want to get back to the cliffs because we just talked about it. She follows me. Maybe we can talk undisturbed there.
"Something's different, it's not the same as it used to be", somehow I already knew that was coming.
"I don't know, it has changed a lot", I say softly and look to the sea.
"I think I know what it's all about, there's someone for whom you still have feelings", I just look at her, whereupon her grin widens.
"I knew it!", she says,
"You have to tell him."
"I can't do that", I just look down on the waves again.
"Of course you can. He still loves you".
When I hear that, I feel a hint of hope inside me, but not for long.
"What about Tom?", I run through my hair.
"He'll understand, you just have to dare to talk to him", she says encouragingly.
Is that so easy?
I have to dare, otherwise I'll regret it forever. And that's a pity for Tom, too. If he really has feelings for Serena, I don't want to intervene.
We are on the way back. I have to talk to him tonight.
I have to do it.

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