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Amber's Pov.

Kate smiles at me and hugs me. It has been a while now since we saw the Denali's the last time. Tanya goes to Renesmee immediately and talks to her.

Renesmee's Pov.

Tanya tries to talk to me, but I don't listen. I'm just thinking about the last days, and about Jacob. Mom walks next to us.

Slowly we go into the house.
I underestimated the temperatures here a bit.
I sit down on the couch, shivering and look at the others. Carmen brings me a fluffy blanket which mom puts around me and hugs me.
"How are you, honey?", I hear her ask softly.
"I'm fine Mom, thanks", I say.

Amber's Pov.

Renesmee fell asleep in Bella's arms again.

I heard her crying last night. With the great sense of hearing that isn't difficult.
She looks very desperate.
Who wouldn't be in that situation?

I go to a large bookshelf and take one of the old books. It's written in the old language and has about six hundred pages. Quietly I start to read. Meanwhile, I begin to think about the last year. I can't believe I've been with the Cullen's for a year now.

As she sleeps, she keeps saying Jacob's name. It's sad to see it.
Her thoughts also say the same thing.
She misses him. But it's better if she is separated from him for a while.

After reading a few hundred pages, I decide to go outside. After all, I lived here for a few years.

Edward's Pov.

I sit on the couch and try to think about everything.
Why didn't I take care of her better?
I shouldn't have let him near her!
I look at the piano. It's been a while since I played it.
Everything's different now.

I hear Carlisle enter the room, but don't turn to face him.
"I should not have forgotten about her", I say.
Carlisle pats my shoulder,
"You couldn't have prevented that from happening, unless you locked her in her room", I hear from him.
"Do you think she would have thanked you at some point?", he asks quietly, whereupon I just silently shake my head.
"She'll want to keep it, then the pack and the Volturi will intervene, believing that they have any claim on the child", I say, leaving the room.

Amber's Pov.

It's night.
I'm running through the snow in high speed. Smiling, I start to remember the time here. I must confess, although it got boring with the time, I loved this place.

I'm on my way to my old hut. It still looks the same as it did when I left. Again the wind blows the fine snow from the rooftop.
After I enter the hut and hear the usual creaking of the floor, I start to smile again. My old boots are still in front of the fireplace.
Since I got new clothes from Kate, I left it here. I had experienced so much with them.
So I take them with me. Also my books can't be missed.

The things stowed in an old bag, I go again, but I take my time to sit on the rooftop again. I look to the sky and enjoy the moment.
It's quiet until I hear a familiar voice.
"It's nice to see you again", I hear and now I realize. I rush towards him,
"What do you want here?!", I ask angrily.
"You didn't take long to forget me, did you?", Grayson asks, instead of giving me an answer.
"If that's not clear to you, vampires don't forget.
And for you, it was easy to leave your sister and me behind and join the enemy!", I hiss.
He says nothing and just sighs.
"I saw you and Jane in my vision", I say, releasing him.
"I-I er-", he starts, but I cut him off.
"What do you want here?", I ask more calmly.
"I missed you", he says quietly, rubbing his neck.
"Oh really?
Then let's go to Carissa and see how she reacts", I say, walking away, following me and looking nervous, seeming to be afraid to see his sister again.

The sun is already rising again. On the way to the house Grayson lets me go ahead.
I just keep going.
To my surprise, Carissa and Renesmee are already outside. They seem to be making a snowball fight. Carissa is extra careful, so she don't hurt Renesmee.
When they see me, they start to smile.
I'm glad that Carissa Renesmee was able to distract her from her distress.

"Where have you been?", Renesmee asks.
"I was in my old cabin, I used to live here", I say.
"Why did it take so long?", Carissa asks.
"Because I met someone there", I say, signaling him to come over.
Both are confused at first, but the confusion sets quickly.
I look at Carissa, who looks at Grayson in shock. He was away for months and he didn't even say anything to his sister, who was always there for him.

We're all waiting for a response from her. Suddenly Carissa rushes forward and gives him a punch so that he flies several meters backwards.
"You dumbass!!!
Where have you been?!", she shouts.

Carissa's Pov.

"You dumbass!!!
Where have you been?!", I shout at him, of course I know where he was.
Angered, I want to attack him, but Amber holds me back. I look at her. In her eyes I see the same anger that I feel.
"I'm sorry, Carissa", he says softly.
"Oh, you're sorry?", I ask.
"What kind of brother leaves his girlfriend and his sister?!", now the others come out as well.
"If I were you, I would disappear as soon as possible!", I yell.

Amber's Pov.

We stay that way for a long time.
What happens now?

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