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A few days already passed. The storm still raging. Renesmee complains over and over again that she misses Jacob and wants to go home. Somehow I can understand her, but according to the vision it's too dangerous to return now.
The pack is still thinking that they have a claim on Renesmee's baby, luckily the Volturi are still holding back.

Unfortunately, it doesn't help us to look out the window. We were completely trapped by the snow. Luckily, the chimney seems to have been spared from it. So we have the fire to keep Renesmee warm. We still have to endure.

I look briefly at Renesmee, who starts to shiver, whereupon Bella winds her in a few blankets and holds her close. I'm on my way to the kitchen to check on the current food supply. Something is still here, but not much anymore. We should buy something as soon as possible.

After I enter the room again, I go to Carissa.
"How are you?", I ask quietly.
"After talking to Gray, I feel better.
The anger is almost gone", she says.
"I'm glad", I say.
"How about you?", I hear from her.
"I don't know, that you can get along with him again makes me happy. But I'm still not sure if I can do that, too", I look down.
"If you're ready for that, it'll come with the time, and he's really sorry", in that moment Grayson comes to us.
Shortly our gazes meet.

Then I get up and walk towards him. He seems to expect another slap in the face, but that's not what I'm up to. Without knowing why, I hug him. For a moment, he doesn't know what to do. But then he returns the hug, whereupon I close my eyes. The whole thing may attract some confused glances, but that doesn't matter. I want to forgive him, but I still can't trust him.
But that is at least a beginning.

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