Chapter 2: What Are You Talking About?!

Start from the beginning

About fifteen minutes later when we finally reached the studio, we were out backstage getting ready for the interview to start. All of us were clipping on our microphones when I noticed how smoothly the rest of the lads put them on. I was fumbling like an old man just to get mine on.

"Bloody mic." I cursed. Louis and Zayn, who were both standing next to me, chuckled.

"You need help there, mate?" Louis teased. I looked at him to give him a glare before struggling with the mic again.

Zayn let out another laugh before coming over to take the mic from me. I resisted and turned away, figuring I could do it myself.

"I've got it." I told him. He only shook his head and stepped back to watch me put it on. After a couple more seconds, I began to get anxious from his staring and looked up to see him biting back chuckles.

I pouted and looked down at the mic again. It was sitting awkardly and crookedly just above the fabric over my heart. It was about to slip off when a hand caught it. I looked up, expecting Zayn to be giving me a smug smile about how clumsy I was, when I realized it wasn't him.

It was Liam.

Instantly, my heart began to race and my hands became clammy. I swallowed roughly and cursed when I found my throat so dry. Since when did it become so bloody dry?!

I cleared my mind and watched as Liam clipped the mic onto my shirt with such ease. This caused me to frown and he stepped back to give me an amused smile.

"All done." He said to me.

I rolled my eyes, unable to come up with anything to say, and only nodded at him in gratitude. An odd look flashed across his face but left just as quickly as it came. One emotion I did catch though was one of curiousity. I blinked a couple times when I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

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