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a/n: hey guys, so this is my first book I am publishing on Wattpad! I hope you enjoy it, please comment and vote so I know you are! 

Thanks :)


Elle's POV

I walked through the deserted school hallways, nothing had changed. Even though I'd been gone for just over a year, I still knew these hallways pretty well.

Everyone was in class which is why it was so deserted, but I knew my brothers wouldn't be. Nothing would have changed, they always skip class when they knew they wouldn't get into trouble with dad.

I had just arrived back from an all-girls boarding school. My mum and dad they sent me there to try and 'straighten me out' and make me a proper 'girl', but it didn't work, after being around boys my whole life did they really think that boarding school would sort me out? I literally had begged my parents to come home and to let me finish school with my brothers. I also did have to lie a little to get there.

The best thing was, my brothers had no idea I was coming home. I was excited to see them, but also nervous because I haven't seen them for so long and I knew the lie I would have to keep from them. Would I be able to lie straight to there faces?

I hadn't been looking for long when I heard them before I saw them, the roaring laughter came from the last classroom on the left. It made me jump a little.

I walked down to the classroom and the door was open a crack, I peered inside to see my three brothers all sitting around a table laughing at something on a phone.

My brothers hadn't changed much since I'd left. My eldest brother, Caleb, still had his dark brown hair which was slightly long with his fringe hanging slightly over his eyes. The next oldest, Aiden, had actually cut his sandy coloured hair into a small mohawk, showing off his piercing green eyes, which we all had. The youngest brother, Ethan, was actually my twin. We both shared the same coloured brown hair and green eyes. The only difference was his physique, he looked like he'd been working out, but I knew that wasn't true. Something else had happened to make him much fitter.

I stood outside the door thinking of the best way I could surprise them.

Thinking for a second, I decided on the best way. With one mighty kick, I slammed the door fully open, kicking it the hardest I could with the back of my foot. 

It bounced off the wall and swung back slightly, I stepped in and held the door open with my hand.

The sound of the door made them all jumped slightly and they turned to face me. I smirked, "Missed me?"

They're shock turned into the biggest grins and before I could even blink, they all bounded towards me and grabbed me in their arms, they were all much bigger and stronger than they were before I went – especially Ethan. I thought they might crush me.

It was two seconds before they started arguing who could hug me first.

"You're back!" Aiden shouted as he grabbed me and gave me a massive bear hug.

"Hey, no fair, I want a hug" Caleb grabbed me out of Aiden's arms and gave me a hug, "You alright little sis?"

Ethan then grabbed me from Caleb and gave me a hug also, "No fair, she's my twin. I should have priority on the hugs"

I finally got time to breath after being thrown from bother to brother and managed to get out of Ethan's arms, I laughed, "So you did miss me?"

"Are you stupid? Of course we did" Ethan said, with a massive smile and nudging my side, "You haven't changed" he stated looking me up and down,

I sighed and looked down at myself. I really hadn't changed all that much. I was still tall, but a little plump in some areas, like my stomach and legs, I still wore my glasses and dressed like a boy most of the time, today I was wearing my signature black skinny jeans and an oversized t-shirt. All of which was meant to change when I turned sixteen.

I looked back at Ethan and chuckled as I poked his large bicep, "You have"

"Come and sit down" Aiden said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the table they were all sat at before I came barging in, "What are you doing here then?" He asked as he plonked down into one of the seats, they had arranged the tables into a little circle, so I sat down next to Aiden with Caleb opposite me and Ethan on my other side.

"You're not just back for a little while, are you?" Ethan asked worryingly. All of the boy's smiles disappeared.

I shook my head and smiled, "I'm back for good"

Their smiles returned.

"How'd you convince mum and dad?" Caleb said chuckling,

"Well..." I trailed off,

"Mum and dad do know you're home, right?" Caleb asked, with one eyebrow raised,

"Of course they do" I stated, leaning over and punching him softly in the arm, I knew if I hit him even harder it would have hurt me more than him, "I just had to tell some small lies and literally beg" I laughed.

Caleb gave me a slightly unimpressed look, knowing now that I had lied to mum and dad, "You shouldn't have lied"

"But-" I started

"You're home, and that's all that matters" Ethan jumped in.

We were silent for a second before Aiden started talking again, "So how was your birthday? Anything happen?" He smirked knowing just as well somethingshould have happened, but that's just the didn't.

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