Heightened Tensions

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Under steam power, the Kennitt's Blade slowly pulled into the slip, finally in Pathwood Keep. Several lines were dropped to the groups of dockmen waiting on the piers on either side. The men grabbed the two-inch thick hawsers, heaving and pulling the ship the last few feet to the dock. The hawsers were wrapped around cleats, the signal being given that the mighty Kennitt's Blade was securely moored.

Most of the Royal Guard was astride the immense Percheron horses as they descended the cargo ramp onto the dock. There was no fanfare for the returning troops; passersby giving them only cursory glances. Next came the troops on foot, in perfect lockstep, marching toward the Queen's Guard barracks.

Accompanied by fifty remaining Royal Guards, the last off the ship were Tanaya and the Blood Shadows, backpacks casually slung over their shoulders as they strolled along the docks. Glaasha wore her shaman's headdress, a symbol of her religion. The orcs drew more than curious looks. They were stared at and taunted, but being the true professionals they were, merely ignored the catcalls and foul language directed at them. Tanaya had strenuously told them time and again what to expect from the locals.

"The only interaction you will have with a hostile local will be a smile and a wave," she had said. "You're better than they are. Don't sink to the level of a spit swab. If they want to shake your hand, accept it graciously. If someone tries to hurt you, I'll deal with them myself. Until your actions with us are known, until these cretins have accepted you, all of you will be paired with a human Blood Shadow. This is for your own safety, as well as the safety of the miscreants. I know how well you can handle yourselves in mixed company, but hostilities toward your people run deep."

The group approached the portcullis of the castle. The entrance was guarded by six troops, instead of the usual two.

"HALT!" a male voice called. Tanaya's group stopped. "Who goes there?"

"Queen Consort Tanaya Newlander and platoon. We return from Goxell-Galbria," she replied.

The Queen's Guard captain strode forward, raising his faceplate, studying the group for a long time.

"As you vouch for the orcs, calling them your own, Your Highness and platoon are recognized and permitted to enter. Proceed, Ma'am."

"Why the increase in security, Captain?" asked the warrioress.

"Queens Guard Captain Marcus Browrage, Ma'am," he introduced himself. "The Hand of Five left its mark on the door of Her Majesty's chambers." 

Tanaya's face drained of all color, her muscles tensing for a full-on sprint to find the love of her life. The captain's hand snapped up to stop her. 

"Her majesty is fine, Highness. No harm has come to her. We've increased patrols everywhere. All sections of the Regular Military are on full alert and have increased their presence in the city, as well."

She stared at the castle, wondering where Serenna was at this moment.

"Highness!" he snapped, seeing she wasn't paying attention to his words. Tanaya dropped her gaze to meet his eyes. He went on more softly. "Queen Serenna is fine. Please relax, Highness. I'll take you directly to her."


As they strode into the castle, Tanaya spoke to those around her.

"Jarana, you and Karkug go directly to the Royal Blacksmith and get started on the new armor," she ordered. "You have my direct authority to use as many alchemical mages, armorers, and blacksmiths from the Queen's and Royal Guard ranks as you need in order to get it finished as quickly as possible. The very first set is to be delivered to my wife the instant it's complete. Horseshoes, door hinges, and whatever else a blacksmith makes can wait. Understand? Royal Guard, you are dismissed. Thank you for the escort. Go check in at the barracks and get some more rest. Blood Shadows, head on over to the Ravaged Maiden and get settled. I'll be there later."

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