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Serenna, clad in regal finery, entered the throne room, trailed by a manacled Tanaya, wearing a plain brown robe, her long hair in a simple braid at her back. The young queen ascended the steps and gracefully sat, leaning back in the grand seat. It still smelled of her late father, King Harold. Having been at sea, she couldn't attend the funeral or burial, a fact which weighed heavily on her heart, and she'd cry over for many years to come.

Two Queen's Guards blocked Tanaya's way onto the dais, refusing to let her pass as she wasn't the Queen Consort. One guard looked her in the eye, winked, and motioned her to stand to one side. She recognized the eyes behind the lowered faceplate. They belonged to Regimental Commander Jarek Hodges, her friend, mentor, and former instructor at Entry Camp. She gave a wan smile in return.

Judge Marshal Erodius Dayston strode forth, a leatherbound book in one hand, an ornate staff in the other. Three scribes followed closely, carrying small trays on which to write.

Scanning the room, Tanaya noted nine figures wearing blue shirts and tan pants at the very back, against the wall. It was too far to see their faces, but their body language and sizes told that her Blood Shadows were present. She hoped they didn't have anything untoward in mind.

Highlord Sheriff Terese Shiff took a step forward, her strong voice resounding throughout the great room.

"Oh, yea! Oh, yea! Now comes the Judge Marshal! His Honor Erodius Dayston shall now hear the pleas, bargains, and evidence in these cases. Those who testify for or against the accused shall come forth and stand, that they might be heard! All others are to remain silent until these proceedings shall be finished. The gods shall see and know!"

She took a step back.

Agnetha, on the front row, stepped forward a few paces. Jarek, standing beside Tanaya, took a step forward, halted a moment, then strode to stand next to the Queen Mother. The Prime Minister was followed by the Vice Prime Minister, each carrying a tome of Constitutional Law. Several fully-armored Queen Guards removed their helmets, tucked them under their arms, and made their way to stand in line with the rest. The blue shirts at the far back formed into two columns, striding down the aisle as if they owned the place. Reaching the front, they fanned out. The line of people now stretched almost wall to wall.

The judge marshal, facing Serenna and Tanaya, looked around.

"Anyone else?" he asked, lightly. No one else came forward. "Then, we proceed."

He banged the staff on the floor three times. The sound echoed around the room.

"Prime Minister Jarn Barthay, what say you before this court?" the judge marshal asked.

Barthay opened the Constitutional Law book.

"Your Honor," he began, "we, the Royal Ministry, do bring charges of fraternization between Queen Serenna Irene Newlander and former Royal Guard Commander Tanaya Cristiona Paulsdottir. To wit, the pair did willfully and with forethought violate Constitution Law, enumerated in Article 55 by creating an intimate atmosphere, thereby jeopardizing the safety of the Queen, who was a Princess at that time. Such relationship carried forward until this day. Their false marriage is not in question, at this time."

"Queen Serenna Newlander," addressed the judge, "your statement and cry of guilt or no guilt, please."

The three scribes wrote furiously in their diaries.

"With the capital city under attack, my father, the late King Harold Newlander, formed a new regiment, dubbing it the Royal Guard," intoned Serenna from her seat on the throne. "The armor was changed, as were the banner colors, and regimental crest. At that point, those persons in this new regiment ceased to be King's Guards. The Royal Guard is an entity unto itself. It is only mentioned in certain amendments of the Constitution as pertains to the separation of forces. Nothing is said regarding fraternization. Therefore, my cry is that of no guilt, Judge Marshal."

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