Grass Moon

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The Grass Moon's power increased to such a level that there was no need of sleep. Her energies were absorbed by the Blood Shadows, ten of them changing slowly. They had settled their minds, allowing the shift to occur naturally. Giselle had stressed over and over that the more they fought the change, the more painful it would be.

Shao sat on a rock, unmoving, watching the naked humans shift into wolf form. He'd never seen an actual change. He was given strict instructions to only shift if any of the Blood Shadows showed signs of unwarranted rage, which happened in those whose minds weren't strong enough to cope with the adrenaline surges.

Every lycanthrope had its advantages and disadvantages.

Being a weredragon, specifically a Hanzu dragon, Shao was not susceptible to the monthly pull of the Moon's energies. He wasn't in danger of shifting every four weeks like most other werebeasts. He was forcibly shifted on the summer solstice, the Rose Moon. It would be during that time that he returned to his home in Port North Fork, for only the Hanzu people knew how to contain him properly.

He didn't fly into an all-consuming rage as some werebeasts did, but being sequestered in a small building for a solid month made him a little anxious and prone to breaking things. And eating the local cattle.

Tanaya had assured him that she would speak to his clan elders on his behalf to see if there was some way he could remain active within the Blood Shadows. He'd be devastating in a battle with the orcs.

He hadn't told any of the Regular Military, of course. His yearly visits to his home were done under the guise of religion. Not far from the truth considering the Hanzu dragon was revered in their society. He always showed up in Port North Fork exactly seven days before the shift took place, that week being spent in preparation for the intense energies he would face. The following weeks were dedicated to recovering from the shift and answering questions about his Honor journal.

When Shao and Benton had been intimate, their sex play had gotten a little rough. Benton's passion had gotten the better of him while sucking on Shao's throat. As he used his teeth to pull Shao's skin, he had accidentally drawn blood. Therefore, his saliva mixed with the Hanzu man's blood. Benton had let out a wail of desperation. Through much verbal prodding, Benton finally told Shao the truth about the entire squad. He carefully left out the part about the queen, however, as he didn't know how Shao would react.

In the park, when Tanaya had voiced her displeasure of the unaided troopers at the Kennitt's Blade, she'd sensed a difference about him. One which she was unable to put her finger on. When the pair had told her what took place in the heat of passion, she'd asked many questions. After she consulted with Giselle, the lycanthropic expert, the healer had stated that since Shao was a werebeast, the two viruses couldn't mingle, the more dominant weredragon virus would simply kill the werewolf virus. The queen consort immediately asked Shao if he wanted to join the Blood Shadows in order to be among his own kind.

Now, here he sat. Guarding them as they shifted one after another.

They all lay still, panting heavily as the shift took place. Moans, cries, whimpers, a few barks, but otherwise, they seemed fine.

Giselle was the first to rise to her feet, shuffling over to the small pool of cool clear water beside which they had camped. She drank deeply, stepping into the knee-deep water, rolling over to wet her entire body and cool it down. After a few moments, she waded ashore and shook herself, little diamond water droplets flying in all directions.

She turned to look at Shao, seated on his rock, watching her serenely. Laying her ears back, tucking her tail beneath her, it was obvious she wasn't going to attack him. Muzzle pointed at the ground, Giselle made her way slowly toward Shao and placed her wet chin on his upper thigh, at the same time parking her butt on the ground.

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