Chapter 16: Final Origins.

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Ezekiel was in a panicked and traumatized state. His hands were still coated in thick layers of blood. His arms and clothes were pure colors of red and black. All together was what caused the teen to crack and twist. He had killed someone for the first time. He took the life of his first living man. It was so different than the rest. Leaving him to perilously wonder with torment of his fate now. He didn't even recognize himself climbing onto the dirt bike.

The gate was broken open From Buddy's massive battle rig semi truck. Letting Ezekiel out with such ease. He revved the motor as he sped out and down the street. Fading to nothing in the thick and heavy rainfall. Hiding his tears with the sky's tears. He was lost with the city of beasts and monsters in a storm of emotions. Leading away and entire herd of u dead beasts away from the front of Fronks with him.

It wasn't long till Ezekeil found himself driving down empty streets. Riding right past stumbling and rotten beasts. Not caring about the onslaught of rain. But he had a growing concern for the cold and darkness. So he started to browse for houses. Seeing neighborhood after neighborhood of decaying and overgrown houses. Up until he arrived onto main street.

From there, with the tiny light on his bike, he was able to see many upon many rotting torsos and stiff bodies struggling to creep towards Ezekiel. He soon remembered this to be the herd and panicked a bit. He was barely even able to see a mere five feet in any direction. And the thought of a herd surrounding him was not a pleasant thought.

Although he was as stupid as he was scared shitless, causing him to try and flip around on his bike. Causing him to while out and slam into the brick road. He grimaced and quickly crawled out from under the bike. Only a mere inches away from the undead herd. The frightened and exaughsted teen started to scream and kick his legs, using his arms to push himself up and away from the scene.

Ezekiel reached to his side to feel for his ax. Finding it to still be within his little case attached to his belt. He whipped it out and held it firmly before him. Using it as a eye seeing prop while he ran through the darkness. Passing by countless monsters that screamed and yelled at him in pure anger. Almost making the teen soil himself.

A few minutes of running went by and Ezekiel was now running on the side walk. Rushing from door to door to see what was open.  After four to six doors down, he had found himself an open door to an abandoned and empty store. The walls and floor were eaten away and decaying. Large glass windows proudly displayed the outside world while keeping the inside completely hidden away.

EEzekiel was actually able to calm down for a moment to think. So he thought. For he soon heard the faint and distant sounds of a beast stomping the floor, just to get to him. Ezekiel turned his sweating tired head to the left and witnessed a horrific sight.

It was a four legged, half rotten, crying, and raging conjoined twin. A little girl of the age of seven, was stitched to another little girl of about the same age. The rotten beast had its arms cut off and sewn up. It teeth were even plucked so it couldn't bite or harm the little girl in any way. The little girl was flowing tears and seemed to have extremely puffy eyes and clear trails down her face. Hard to distinguish them all apart. As the coats of drool, tears, and vomit coated her clothes and face were the same color. They were infested with bugs and even had a tiny hive of flies living on the ghoul. Even some worms inhabited the torso region. They seemed to be burrowing holes into the living girl. The stitching between the two was blistered and festering with disease. She couldn't be saved. She was dying. They were dying. That's about when Ezekiel saw the massive carved out pentagram in the middle of the entire room.

Girl: p-pleaaee.. please. K-kill me.. k-kill it... I-i don't want this m-misterr

Ezekiel: i-im sorry this happened to you. B-but stay the fuck back! Th-thas is too terrifying.

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