Chapter 9: Dark Faces & Bright Hopes.

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2 weeks after the events that lead to the capturing of the poor survivors. Arianna was crying with anger. Her clothes were torn. She was holding Irene to comfort her. Pheobe was on the other side of the trailer. Being held by Bear, he was silent and filled with regret and resentment. Carlos was sitting beside Markus. Trying to keep each others attention as they felt so weak. So tired and helpless. They had earned the right to have free hands now. Still feeling like they couldn't escape from this situation. And they were right  to think so. For throughout the entire 2 weeks of being locked away like filthy peasants or rats in cages. They were scared and so tired from constantly being beaten and raped. enduring many of Buddy's punishments and torturing. 

Pheobe: I hope Ezekiel and Don are ok. 

Carlos: we both know that they aren't. Buddy has a thing towards the youngest of people. No matter what gender. But that does mean they would be getting less mean things. I just pray that they aren't damaged in the long run because of this. We can all move on and accept this when its over. They might not be able to. 

Arianna: He has a point. We haven't been watching the youth of this world close enough. I mean. Don likes to kill and i feel as though that Ezekiel is headed down the same path. They're becoming monsters.

Irene: What would their mother say...

Bear: Probably nothing. Since she's dead. 

Pheobe: bear... 

Bear: What? They ain't here. I'm going to talk out if i wan-

Arianna: Bear, shut up. I hear something outside. 

Bear grumped as he was forced to be silent. But the sounds outside did pick up. Becoming louder and louder. Sounding like that of screaming and smashing. Everyone stood p and tried to peek outside the window. Smelling the thick odor of smoke in the air. Cloaked figures walked by the horse trailer. The 6 were silent as they waited. Only the loudly clanking of the trailer door unlatching was heard. then silence again. They were free. But who wold go first?


Thunder boomed overhead in the early morning. Thick dark clouds rolled in over the entire panhandle. The kingdom of Pardorin was preparing for the worst of it while Buddy sat on a lawn chair on top of his mobile office. Drinking some old beers that he claimed. He smiled as he looked to the city from inside his walls. Not seeing anything worth noting. He smiled and stood up. Seeing a straggling walker in the distance. So he picked up a rifle and aimed through the scope. Firing a single shot at the beast. The bullet blasted straight through the neck. Not really fazing the creatures healthy but it did case it to fall over and fall to the road. Buddy then went over to the front of the trailer and looked down at the guards on the partially fixed gate. they were able to unbend it a bit but it would never latch again though.

Buddy: Hey! what the hell. I saw one undeader out there and i don't want to be seeing another. 

Guard: Ey, slow your roll. We didn't even see him until you shot him. Plus i'm sure that yo enjoyed shooting it anyway.

Buddy: eh... you got a point there. say, you got a light? i found some sweet stuff from a drug dealers house. I wanna try it out right now. 

The guard reaches into his pocket and pulls out a lighter. He tosses it up and onto the trailer. Buddy missed the catch and it bounces and falls to the ground. Buddy groans and sighs as he now has to climb down to get it. Growling with annoyance the entire way down. Once he hits the ground, he bends over to pick up the lighter. Failing to hear or see his two guards on the gate being stabbed in the throats with spears and get dragged over the wall. Making soft piffs as their bodies hit the ground on the other side. Buddy lit his drug laced cigarette and began puffing. Smiling and purring from the hit. Feeling more relaxed. 

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