Chapter 11: Tying Up The Ends

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Bear groaned and heaved as he carried the backpack of weapons with his rifle in hand and Ariannas sword on his back. Pheobe took the lead with her machete in hand, an assault rifle on her back with glocks in her pockets. Don smiled as he ran with his glocks practically taped to his assault rifle. A rather large knife in his pocket as well. Ezekiel ran with his ax and assault rifle in hand. Grinning as the rain poured down on them all. Washing away the dirt and filth left behind from Buddy. They didn't stop running s they got to the end of a small road. It ran to an end, given the option to go left or right. Left leading into the flat country, right leading to the highway. Ezekiel didn't wait for an option and just took off running towards the highway. Pheobe shrugged and followed along with Bear and Don behind. 

Once at the highway, Ezekiel looked at the options to go. Right going into the city, left going far away from the area. Going straight would take them all to the middle of nowhere. Ezekiel didn't feel like long walks in the rain would be too nice, so again, he chose for everyone and took off towards Guymon. Starting to slow down s he became extremely tired. But he still ran and sprinted while the others struggled to stay caught up. 


It took some time for Ezekiel to stop and wait for the others to show up. Standing underneath the roof that covered some gas pumps. He looked into the gray mist and clouds and tried to see his friends. Only seeing the faint outlines of them as they got closer. Soon getting into cover from the rain. Completely soaked from head to toe in the dirty first rain. They were all together and could now rest for a bit. Ezekiel looked around in all directions and saw the lights of gas stations still on. A surprising sight to behold as the rain had formed the light to become a heavenly glow. Bear gasped for air and collapsed onto the ground and whimpered for air. Pheobe leaned onto a gas pump to wait. Don was with Ezekiel on trying to find an area to go to. Seeing the greatest gas station down the highway some ways. 

Don: Guys... i think we could travel over there.

Ezekiel: How do we know that place isn't the same as these others. No safety. 

Pheobe: Well then we'll never know. Plus id rather be in a building than out here. Plus... i think thats Fronks.

Ezekiel: Fronks? What the hell is that place?

Pheobe: Does it matter? Its a safe place. Lets fucking go. 

Pheobe had to pick up Bear by his arms and help drag him along into the rain. Bear groaned loudly and sighed as he gently picked up his feet to walk. He was so tired of this and just wanted to give up. Don gently laughed at Bear as he ran on past. Ezekiel growled as he was extremely fatigued as well but knew he had to push himself onward with the others. together they pressed on through the rolling thunder and harsh rain. 


Soon, after 10 minutes or so, they had managed to get under the gas pump station roof. Being extremely close to the highway and far away from the rather large white building of cement and steel. There was an elevated platform with a cement railing to get into the high up building. There was a loading dock to the right of the much smaller iron door. Two massive steel horizontal rolling doors were the main sight, along with the Fronks Oil Co. sign above on the roof. Everyone was so tired that they were even debating going to the building. But Don and Pheobe knew they should prevail and at least get to the door. And so they were the first two to travel another hundred feet in the rain. Ezekiel and Bear tried to follow after but were pushed and knocked over too much from the fierce wind behind them. Groaning as Ezekiel said, "fuck it." and started to roll along towards the building like a log. Rolling through puddles and over debris like it was nothing as Bear crawled along. 

Don made it to the iron door first and groaned as he turned the door knob. Hearing rusted clicks as the lock had to break before the door would open. The door swung outwards and Don had to hold it open as Pheobe held open the glass door that swung inwards after the iron door. Bear and Ezekiel quickly got inside and flopped onto the floor. Snuggling up to the nasty dust covered and dry floor mats for warmth and dryness. Don and Pheobe rolled their eyes as they tried to look around the first room they entered. Shutting the thick iron door behind them and blocking it off with some heavy propane tanks that were lining the walls. 

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