Chapter 10: Home Grown

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Carlos and Irene speed straight down the highway. A sign on the side of the road says that they are headed towards Liberal, KS. Irene was softly crying as she looked out the window. Carlos was silent with a sort of trauma. They had no weapons and no food, only having as much gas as what was in the truck. So enough to make a 4 hour trip. When they really would need only a little bit to get out of the area. 

Irene sighed and looked over to Carlos with depressed eyes. Not wanting to speak but felt like she should. So she spoke up softly.

Irene: wh-where do you think we'll go?

Carlos: Find us a farm.

Irene: O-okay... Th-think the others are ok?

Carlos: Probably not. But who honestly knows. We're ok. Thats all that matters.

Carlos was now driving out of Guymon limits. Going on past the Hitch Ranch and into the open land. Finding nothing but crashed cars on the side of the highway and pure empty fields on either side of the highway. It didn't take for Carlos to find a decent farm off in the distance from the highway. So he found the nearest dirt road that turned off in that direction, and traveled on wards. Irene was curious as she saw the bodies of several torn open and dead horses. She tried to ignore it but was always drawn back to the sight. the thought and visions of it in her head had made her remember the mass torn open bodies that she had seen throughout her time in the apocalypse. Even going back to remembering the time she ate that infant. 

Carlos slowed down to a stop outside the farm house. It was in the middle of a large wide open field. surrounded by barb wire fences. The house was rotted and broke down to shits. the front porch was caved in and falling apart with the roof pinning down two struggling and growling people. They were undead but it was the farmer and his wife. Trapped under a beam. Carlos gently smiled at the sight and stepped out of his truck. Stretching and looking around. HE saw the storm clouds coming quickly towards them. Hearing the loud booming and strong winds in the middle of nowhere. The barn was even shaking and creaking from the wind stress. Irene had decided to climb out as well and looked around. 

Irene: This place is shit. 

Carlos: Better than what we just went through. Come on. We can stay in the barn.  Maybe make us a sleeping spot. Who knows, there might be some feed left for tonight and the morning. 

Carlos started to wander towards the barn. Irene had stood beside the pickup and stared at the house. finding to be extremely off putting to her for some odd reason. It creaked more and more. Looking like it was slowly being pulled towards itself. The roof started to sag lower and lower until the entire house smashed in on itself. Causing a massive plume of smoke and dust to fly in the air. causing Irene to cough and choke on dirt. She whined and rushed towards to barn to get out of the smoke. Carlos couldn't help but giggle at her. Keeping the door open to let Irene inside.

Once Carlos had Irene enter, he closed the barn door. Leaving the two alone with the messy filthy barn. Carlos looked around and saw the piles of hay that were group together in stables and scattered on the ground. Irene walked over the furthest back pin and entered. It was surprisingly clean of much. There was even a tarp and a pillow or two. as if someone was staying out here before them. Carlos walked over behind Irene. Towering over the woman with his broad muscular shoulders. 

Carlos: Find anything worth noting? Cause I believe I have. 

Irene: tehehe~ i-its nothing. Just a little bed and some water. Must have belonged to some others that are near. 

Carlos: ~mm-mm... or dead. But that shouldn't be our worry. Whats that over there?

Carlos points to the right corner of the pin and tilts his head out of curiosity. Irene saw the same thing and got closer to it. Plucking several mushrooms from the dirt, growing off cow and horse shit. They had round caps and long stalks. Golden tips on the top of their caps. Irene looked them over and smiled as she looked up at Carlos. Gently taking her hand and fingers to Carlos's mouth and opening it for her. She then proceeded to take a mushroom and places it carefully and teasingly into Carlos's mouth. Carlos was confused but almost purred from the taste of actual food for once. He started to gently chew and eat it up. Irene did the same. Eating every single mushroom they had found in the pin. 

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