Chapter 14: Silly Visions

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Ezekiel gasps with frightened and faint breath. He was awake now. He shakily looked around the pure black room. Stretching on endlessly in all directions. Ezekiel stood up and groaned a bit. Looking himself over to see that there was not a single scratch upon his frail tall body. Making him a bit surprised but still a bit scared for the realizations of this. So he started to hyperventilate, starting out slow but getting worse and worse as Ezekiel held back the severe mental break trying so hard to come forth. He eventually started to scream aloud in anger and fear.

Ezekiel: I-I'M DEEAAD. I'M FUCKING DEAD!!! THIS CAN'T BE... This... This has to be some sort of cruel joke... This can't FUCKING be...

Ezekiel soon found himself sitting on the ground and sighing. Staring into what could possibly be known as a floor. His face was stained with dried tears. He refused to get up for anything. That was until he stared to hear the faint sound of whistling that slowly got louder and louder. He looked around frantically for the source but found no luck. Only the realization that it was coming from all around him. He started togged curious and angry at the whistling.


And out of pure luck, the whistling stopped and a voice started to chime in from the voids depths.

Voice: ay? what do you have against my whistling?

The voice sounded the exact same as Ezekiel's. making the teen question everything even more. He felt the need to ask the voice.

Ezekiel: Who are you? And where am i?

Voice: Whoah wooah. Slow down there hot shot. You have a lot to learn first before you learn. Such as, Why are you here, or, What am i?

Ezekiel: Well... Yeah... Thats kinda why i as-

Voice: Aht. No time for talk. Just listen to me. I am you. I am your sub consciousness. And this is the void of your head. If you notice how empty it is, thats because you are nearly dead and unconscious. Got it dip shit? Good. Now, since you are put under power, i have the reign in here. So lets get a more natural environment going for this journey.

The voice started to grunt and groan painfully as he thought hard about what he wanted to form. And he soon had it. a long thin hallway from a luxurious hotel appeared. One end being a dark red and yellow while the other end was a solid bright white. Outshining almost anything in its heavenly glow. Ezekiel smiled as he was actually impressed. He was curious and decided to look into one of the infinite doors on the right side of the wall.

The instant he opened it, He was taken straight back to the moment of when he was being beaten on the sidewalk in Texhoma. Ezekiel sighed and shut the door. Then walked a ways down to another door on the right wall. Opening it up to watch the last time he saw his mother, Lonea. Watching as she took off in the poorly manufactured car that she owned so she could go to Amarillo and watch over his grandma. Soon leading to her death at the hands of the government.

Ezekiel rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. Shutting the door so he could open a door on the left side of the hallway. HE gently peaked inside just in case it was a bad memory, But didn't find a bad memory at all. It was of seeing Arianna and Phoebe as Larping demi gods for the first time. making him smile and laugh at the absurdity of it. He missed these times, when things weren't fucked up. And that was the last happy memory he had of this new world.

Voice: Its awfully sad, isn't it? Used to dealing with practically nothing compared to now.

Ezekiel: Yeah... Makes me a little less sad to know that i might actually be dead. But hey, imma head to this bright light since thats the best choice here.

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