Chapter 13: Breaking Points

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Pheobe laid on her side as she grimaced i pain. Bear yelled to Buddy out of pure anger. begging for Buddy to stop this at once. This gave a good distraction as Ezekiel had to help Don out of his bindings. Cutting the zip ties away with a bit of ease. Joe, Moe, And Marcy were setting aside their weapons on the lobby counter and returned their focus to the captive Hearing Mika's poor barks from the room over. She scratched at the door so vigorously. Buddy turned his attention to Bear and left Pheobe alone. Bear groaned as he was choked by Buddy's one handed throat grab.

Joe licked his lips as he went for Don. Joe had put Don on his back and started to undo his belt. Don's eyes went wide with fear and anger of being reminded from his hell. So he quickly brought a foot straight into Joes balls. Making the tough man scream and yelp with horrid pain. He fell back and held his crotch tightly as he whimpered. Don suddenly got up with his free hands and started to kick the shit out of Joe. Breaking his nose and causing blood to flow from his mouth. 

Marcy quickly tackled Don and pinned him underneath his body, Laughing as she smothered him with her breasts. At the same time, drove her sharp nails into Dons chest and dug around, tearing the flesh so Don would scream in agony. 

The two fighters had landed beside Ezekiel, who had backed away when he saw them about to land on him. He flung arms back and gave away the fact that he broke the ties. Moe smiled as he charged at Ezekiel. Slinging a fist directly into the teens face, creating a bloody nose and a busted lip. Ezekiel shrieked as he slammed into the floor and gasped for air beside Joe. 

Buddy slammed Bear against an empty tank and caused it to fall down on top of him. Bear screamed in pain as his lower half was being pinned down under what had to be a 75 gal propane tank. Buddy started to step over towards him with a grim smile. unable to see pheobe extending her leg out to trip Buddy. The tall brute fell gracefully to the ground and landed between Marcy and Don, and Joe and Ezekiel. He grunted and lifted himself up. Growling back at Pheobe.

Pheobe hazily saw the pissed off brute look at her and squirmed to get away. Not doing much, but she did get the knife that was tossed around on the floor from all the fighting. She started to work on her bindings as she watched Buddy struggle to get up and walk towards her. By the time she was free, Buddy was standing over her, about to kick her in the face when she suddenly struck his calve muscle with the pocket knife. Causing him to scream and step back a bit, crouching to pull out the shank and toss it away, beside Ezekiel. 

Buddy: Oh, you fucking asshole... You seriously didn't just do that, did you? You got out of your ties... Thats no fun for whores. 

Joe struggled to get up and grab his small pistol off the counter. Ezekiel countered with getting up enough to pull Joe's legs out from under him. Joe shrieked and Fell to the floor. Dropping the pistol with it. The pistol had landed beside the trapped Bear. Who quickly picked up the gun and struggled to aim right at anyone. Moe saw the weapon that was now given to Bear and hurriedly shuffled over to take it away. Bear groaned and growled at Moe as he tried to reach for it. Bear didn't hesitate to fire a stray bullet down the entire length of Moe's left arm. Causing him to scream out in horrific pain. 

The loud bang had caused everyone to stop. They were all able to hear the terrible screams of a man in pain over his arm having a hole straight through it. Buddy stopped with Pheobe and Joe stopped fighting Ezekiel. Marcy even got off Don so she could help Moe. Don was gasping for air now that he was free. Pheobe had scooted over to Ezekiel and to Don so they could get grouped together. 

Buddy simply plucked the pistol away from Bear as the 3 surrounded him. Buddy took the first bit of violent act on Bear. Taking a knife off the counter so he could lean down and slowly slice off a bit of flesh from Bears arm. The man screamed and cried as his warm red blood poured out from the loss of flesh. Buddy then shoved it into his own mouth. Making Bear eat his own body. 

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