Chapter 3: Haligh, Haligh, A Lie, Haligh

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Ezekiel coughs gently into his hand that was covered and dripping in his own blood. The large open gash down his arm was an ever present reminder that he was dying if he didn't get help soon. Bear walked beside him slowly to stay caught up. He thought about something to say to distract their minds from the situation at hand. Bear did eventually took off his jacket and wrapped it around Ezekiel's arm to stop so much blood loss. Ezekiel yelped and whimpered from the touch of anything against his wounded arm. But yet he had to continue on. growing ever so weaker with each step. Bear saw this and wrapped his arm under Ezekiel's shoulders and helped limp him faster.

Bear: So... I think winter is coming soon.

Ezekiel: o-ooh... Wh-What makes you say th-AH FUCK!... Th-that...

Bear had accidentally touched Ezekiel's wound wrong and got blood spilled onto his hands. Ezekiel tried to keep walking but his shivering legs prevented him from going fast. Once the pain was subsided for a little bit, The two were able to continue walking again. Bear continued to help Ezekiel walk on and talk some more.

Bear: sorry about that... My finger slipped... And i was just thinking that way cause Its been getting rather cold lately. Tonight is much worse then Yesterdays. I wonder if that means today is the beginning of October...

Ezekiel: sh-should be... its been two weeks since the start right? The start was on September 18th... At l-least for this area... This would be the time for things to be getting cold...

Bear: Damn. Being shelter-less is going to make this winter suck ass.

Ezekiel: c-c-could try m-making a fire... p-plus nothing is stopping you from breaking into a building...

Bear: yeah, i couldn't do that. It would be illegal. Duh.

Ezekiel: But... th-there's nothing stopping you from it.

Bear didn't reply to that as he had spotted something in the distance. There was a bright dot on the top of a hill. Resembling the same light of a fire. Every now and then a silhouette of a person would walk across the flame. Bear smiled as he imagined the warmth of the fire. Ezekiel was too weak to care and just wished for a place to lay down. Making himself slower as he was giving up. Bear grunted as he started to drag Ezekiel with him. getting upset with this.

Bear: Come on Man! Its just right over a few more hills... We can make it!

Ezekiel sighed weakly and coughed a bit before he picked up his legs and started to walk. slowly but steadily as he tried to regain some strength. Bear smiled and held Ezekiel up a bit in assistance. Together they walked over a hill and over another. getting progressively closer. Te fire still danced in the distance but Bear and Ezekiel were able to see that these people were staying in a farm house. There were four people roaming around a fire. Out of the silence in the piercing darkness was the sound of laughter and conversations alerts the two wanderers.

Bear had started to walk Ezekiel through the grass patch that separated them. Ezekiel groaned and grunted as the coat was sticking to his arm. Soaked in blood and turning cold from the night air. Any movement made to the area would do nothing but bring a sharp sudden pain to his limb. Feeling as though a herd of scorpions stung the area at once then let surgeons do an operation with barb wire and salt as anesthetics. Doing nothing but causing him great troubles for each and every step. Ezekiel looked up to see the fire and he smiled as he thought he was safe.

The fire glared and reflected off of Ezekiel and Bears glasses. Causing the people around the fire to notice them instantly and freak out from the four glowing eyes in the dark. Steadily getting closer. The small pregnant white skinned woman had called out for her tall muscular dark skinned husband. He was already reaching for his M16 with bayonet attachment. Bear saw this but kept walking closer as he watched the husband raise the rifle. Then he stopped as he realized him and Ezekiel could die right there.

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