Chapter 8: Haven Fire

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Buddy sits in his office chair. Staring at the tied up Pheobe on the other side of the table. Buddy opened his drawer and pulled out a knife, brass knuckles, and a bottle of moon shine and paint thinner. Pheobe whimpered as she watched Buddy pull these things out. Moe and Joe had burst into the trailer with red solo cups and guns in hand. They were laughing about happily over the new slaves.

Joe: OHHH man. I cannot wait to bust in that kid Don. But who is first?

Buddy: We have this nice and perty selection before us. I think her name was Pheobe but i'm not to sure. What do you boys say about breaking her in?

Moe: Eh, you guys can do that, id rather just make her bleed.

Moe smiled sadistically as he walked over and set down his cum and gun. Picking up the knife and going back to Pheobe. He smiled even more as he dragged the sharp edge against her cheek. Joe got behind Pheobe and started to undo some of her restraints. Pheobe instantly felt her arms become free and she slung her fists directly into Moe's nose. Breaking it on contact. Moe flinched a bit and dropped the knife. Allowing Pheobe to grab it and stab Moe in the thigh. Moe screamed in pain and fell over on his side. Crying like a little bitch. Joe laughed at Moe and slammed his guns butt into Pheobes face. Causing her yelp aloud and drop the knife as her face began to bleed near her left eye. Buddy chuckled and tied Pheobe back up. Pheobe growled as she sat there and looked around helplessly. Buddy stared straight into Pheobes eyes for a minute or two. He smiled while she panted. Suddenly striking her in the face before drinking straight from the moonshine jar.

Buddy: Lets get this ugly show on the road.


Buddy stares at the bent gate. The loud horn of the rusted car rang out through the city. Alerting the herd straight to the wall. Buddy picked up a gun off the dead guard beside him. Looking at the gate while backing up from it. Leaving Don on the ground where he was. Other guards were now frantically scrambling towards the gate to make sure it was protected while the farmers and other civilians ran inside. The first guards to run up on the scene and peek through the gate were terrified by the mass swarm of rotting grabbing hands. The first guard to peek out the bent in portion of the 15 foot tall gate, was grabbed by by his face, the flesh was cleanly torn off. Leaving his open skull and torn muscle tissue to bleed and scream in horrific pain. Buddy stood shocked and lowered his gun.

Buddy: Damn. This may be a bit extreme.

Buddy then watched as all of his men started to back away from the gate. Eventually 2 of the men had ran off to get a semi truck and pickup. Everyone backed away from the gate as it started looking like it was on the verge of falling in. To prevent this from happening. A guard took the semi truck and parked it against the gate. Helping to support it with its right side. He quickly got out and ran back while the second guard parked the pickup on the left side for extra protection. Buddy could only sigh as he watched all of this.

All of a sudden, random bullets started to fly straight towards Buddy. Blasting all around him, frightening him. Buddy started to run behind his trailer while yelping in pain. The bullets only stopped after Buddy was behind a wall. Up on top of the hill to the south west, looking down at the area, was Carlos and Bear. Trying not to be tearful as they watched Jeffery die for them. But they didn't have the time to mourn as the other guards had started to shoot around the area aimlessly. No longer really dealing with the herd.


Ezekiel and Irene came running down the hillside on the west with guns in hand. Ezekiel was huffing greatly as he took off straight for the horse trailer. Irene stumbled and tried to regain her footing after rushing down the embankment. Both were huffing and puffing, deeply out of breath. Ezekiel reached the door first and struggled to unlatch it. Irene came up and quickly helped unlock the trailer. The large door swung open and creaked loudly.

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