Chapter 7: Turning War Points

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Early in the morning, Arianna lies awake on the wooden floor of the horse trailer. The cold air was intense without blankets. Causing Markus, Pheobe, And Don to huddle and cuddle each other for warmth. Arianna was waiting for Buddy and Joe and Moe to return. Not exactly sure. It was hard to see through as the only holes on the trailer were high up and barely let any light inside. Soon, footsteps could be heard outside. Waking everyone up as the loud creaking of the trailer doors unlocking and clinging. The the door creaked loudly as it opened up. Revealing Buddy and his two right hand men at his side. The sunlight on them caste them as pure dark shadows before the scared trailer inhabitants.

Buddy: Rise and shine you piss-tards. Today is a brand new day. A new day in your new life. Hope you enjoy it as much as I will.

Buddy stepped into the trailer and walked in. wondering who he should take for today. Then he grabbed Pheobes arm. She shrieked and pleaded for it to be Markus. But Buddy didn't care. He wanted her, so he was going to have her. No one fought back as they knew that they would fail. They would wait for brighter days. Buddy locked the trailer up and started to drag Pheobe away to his mobile office. Silence filling the trailer after several minutes. Nothing but Lonliness


In the very same hour, Ezekiel and Jeffery were scoping out the streets and the kingdom through Binoculars. Their stomachs growled a little bit as the child from last night was not enough to satisfy their need to eat. But they were focused on better things. Ezekiel watched Buddy drag Pheobe off to the office of his. Ezekiel growled a bit and thought about raising his pistol. It was in hand and Jeffery saw this. He put his hand on the gun and forced Ezekiel to keep it lowered.

Jeffery: Its not right. Come on, We should go back to the car. Try to get this plan together.

Jeffery looked back at the Kingdom of Pardorin to see a convoy of cars coming back into the base. Only to have another four go out. They knew they would suspect something considering that the return group was missing an SUV. Ezekiel put his gun away and started to walk away. Huffing with anger and annoyance. Jeffery shook his head and started to walk off after Ezekiel. The two walked a bit of distance to get back to the park. Carlos was dressed out in military armor. Helping Irene make some battle preparations for this oncoming battle.

Ezekiel whistled loudly as Jeffery and him came walking down a hill. Carlos and Irene looked up at them. Curious as to what the two had to say.

Carlos: So? How is the situation?

Ezekiel: They have them locked up. I saw them carrying a lot of bodies out of the walls. Several piles already on fire. No telling what happened yesterday. How many explosives do we have?

Irene: Same amount. 3 molotovs and 2 grenades. Lots of bullets. We have huge guns as well. So we should be able to at least cause quite a stir up. See any more come out?

Jeffery: Another four. The three returned this morning so there's no telling as too what they could have done with that herd. They could have gathered them up or they did send them out. Who knows.

Carlos: Well then there should be more. They can't just wrangle every single one up in a day.

Jeffery: No one saying they ain't going to wrangle up the rest today.

Ezekiel: Then we should go get this plan in motion before we have to deal with that. Or we can go out and hunt down those scavengers. Either way is a death mission.

Carlos: Then everyone get in. we can at least go get the car into position and find our test dummy.

Carlos walked to the driver side door and hopped in. Quickly starting the car with a loud purr. Jeffery walked over to shotgun and left Ezekiel to take the back seat with Irene. Together in the back, they sorted through the weapons and loaded their guns with the bullets. Carlos had pulled out and drove off.

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