Chapter 6: Where is My Mind

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154 days later: The elderly and sick are groaning even more now. Waiting for death to get them as they wasted away in the outdoor containing cell, that was once for gardening. Arianna watched them as she walked around the parking lot. Pheobe was still forced to watch over them from the other-side of the fence, monitoring their health and conditions. Forced to listen to the many complaints and wails from within. The old folks and sick children scream at her to let them out. One had actually reached out to touch Pheobe with calm and sweet embrace. The guards saw this and quickly took the citizen out to be killed. The ones who had died inside we taken out and re-killed. Don and Markus wasn't worried about the old folks. He was worried about the brutality of the guards. Mostly the reign of Buddy. It scared the four members but kept them in line. It kept everyone in line. 4 vehicles drove out of the front gate. One being the Tahoe with the 4 men inside. The gate was shut and things were back to being secluded. Time would have to continue and pass as normal. Life was getting better now that winter had passed. But it only seemed worse to some.

Don would pass by Buddy each and everyday. And every time, he would try to work up the courage to tell him off. But never could. Don was placed in the job category of Home Defense. He got to carry around a gun and a knife but no more. If anything, all he would do was help build more housing for the civilians. Markus grew to be a good friend with Don and the two would often wander around Walmart together. Arianna would have to stay near Pheobe to make sure she was ok. The four looked out for each other closely in this place.

Another person coughed blood and fell limply. The chain gate opened and in walked two guards in hazmat suits. They grabbed the sick man and stepped out. Dragging the old woman who had fainted by her wrinkled wrists. Her ankles bled on the asphalt as she was pulled around the corner of the building. No one was ever allowed to go over there. Unless you were a high officer or a quarantiner. The fact that they walk around the side again without the sick person lets us know enough of what happens.

The sick were the only ones to die. The healthy old and children were inside. safe and sound from the fate. Other civilians had stopped interacting with the sick. Seeing them all as dead weight and a death waiting to happen. They wanted to save themselves the trouble of loss. This disgusted Pheobe and Don. The pressure of what Buddy's law has become weighs on Don shoulders. Even if it was pointless, He felt the need to try to do something. So he made a promise in his mind. That the next time he sees Buddy. He would tell him off.

Arianna was eating lunch with Pheobe and Markus when Don walked up. He sat down at a table with some bread and meats in hand. He silently began to eat. A typical thing now. Silence and work. The food was getting worse and worse as the gardens were unable to produce anything through winter. People were slowly starting to starve. The scavengers and guards were well fed as they ranked higher than civilians in this Buddy System.

Don: I seriously can't believe that Buddy is ok with this hierarchy. Honestly this is pure shit. Even more than when those role-players tried to stun the beasts.

Arianna: Ohh yeah, I nearly forgot about all the things we used to do before things took a quick turn on their heads. I say that if we ever can make it out of here, we should go larping again.

Pheobe: Oh my gawd, that sounds so amazing. We should make a kingdom again.

The two began to laugh and chuckle but Don was a little clueless about the whole LARPing ordeal. Don decided he had finished his meal and stood up to walk back to the scavenger training camp to wait for what his mission would be. Arianna and Pheobe stayed at the little table outside the Wal-Mart. Enjoying the peace and quiet as the old and sick groaning in a cage. Everything was nice until Buddy and his two men walked out of Wal-Mart with 3 seniors and a sick child. Don watched from the little camp with anger. Causing him to walk towards the scene. Buddy forced the poor souls around the left side of the building. Pheobe and Arianna silently watched as well and never said a word. Just let it happen.

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