Chapter 1: 10,000 Reasons

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Ezekiel stood still as Bear leaned on him for support. Together the two started to limp towards Don. That bloody knife was still wielded in his hand and it dripped down onto the ground. Mixing with the spilled blood of the man. Don noticed the two others getting closer and he slowly stepped back. Getting weary and worried about the intentions of his brother. Not really worried about Bear.

Don: y-you had better stay back. Th-this man is dangerous.

Ezekiel: Don. you murdered him. There were about 10,000 reasons not to do this. And what are you going to do? Murder me as well? Then you might as well do it!

Don: Ez-ezekiel... You had better stay back. I don't want to hurt you. Please...

Bear: You already said that first part. Start giving actual reasons you knob.

Don: I'll rip your throat out next... Bear.

Bear: Alright, this is up to you man.

Bear pushes Ezekiel towards Don and he stumbles a bit before falling down and landing on the corpse. Getting blood smeared across his face. Don had to back away and growled a bit from the sheer anger that still pumped through him. Bear just turned around and limped to the cement guard and sat down upon it. Ezekiel had raised himself up and was disgusted by having the dead mans blood put upon him.

Ezekiel: ewwwww what the hell Bear, this shit is nasty. I don't want to be laying in Dons mistakes.

Don: This... was not.. and accident. they would have blown us up if we didn't escape in time.

Ezekiel: so you choose to murder then right after? Couldn't... i don't know. REASON WITH THEM?

Don: You can't reason with broken men. they just want to see you and everything you love die. To take control with no regard. Dad was the exact same way... But you wouldn't Know that... WOULD YOU?

Ezekiel glared at Don and without hesitation, reached out and grabbed Dons right leg and pulled it out from under him. Don yelped as he was suddenly pulled from his balance and fell to the ground. Right on his ass. Don clinched his teeth and brought his left foot up and aimed at Ezekiel's face. Then he struck and kicked his brother directly in the cheek and jaw with his bloody shoe. Causing Ezekiel to scream out in pain but he regained himself and struggled to get up on shaking legs. Don took a bit longer to get up, but when he had stood up straight and was able to look at Ezekiel properly, Ezekiel was already charging towards him with a berserk screech. Dons eyes widened with shock as Ezekiel bent down a bit and slammed his shoulder into Dons gut. Knocking the wind out of his guts. The brothers fell on the ground with Ezekiel above Don. Ezekiel then got off Don but continued to hold him down with both hands. Bear just sat and watched amused. Wondering when to intervene.

Don tried to push Ezekiel off but struggled to get his strength to do anything. So he felt the ground around him for the knife he had previously dropped when Ezekiel tackled him. He felt the blade of the knife and scrambled to pick it up. Gripping the blade tight enough for it to cut into his hand. He turned it around and grabbed the hilt. Then swung up to slash at Ezekiel. Ezekiel had felt this and backed away in time to just get a deep gash along his arm. Causing him to scream in pain. Don then gained the upper hand and kicked Ezekiel right in the gut. Knocking his wind out. Ezekiel fell to the ground and wheezed as he tried to breath. Don had already rolled himself onto Ezekiel and straddled his chest as he wrapped his bleeding hands around his brothers throat and started to strangle him. Ezekiel coughed and gasped breathlessly for air. He tried reaching out for Bear who was just now trying to stumble over to Don.

As Bear made it to the fighting brothers. He tapped on Dons shoulders but Don just stopped and sat up. He quickly reached into his back pocket and whipped out the glock he obtained from earlier and pointed it at Bear with a pissed off look. Bear yipped in fear and put his hands in the air, slowly backing away at the same time. Ezekiel was able to breath again and he gasped deeply for air. Don stood up and walked to Bear, letting Ezekiel be free for a time being.

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