Chapter 35

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Dylan's POV

It's been three weeks and Zach and I are going strong. No one has suspected a thing online. Soon our relationship will go public though. I hope I don't get anymore hate and if April comes after me I don't know what I'll do.

Zach and I are going on our tenth date tonight. So far we went bowling, to a movie, the beach, a park, shopping (man that boy sure loves to shop), ice skating, carnival, water park, and out to a nice dinner. Today I hope we're doing something exciting. He said to dress casual so I hope it is something fun like an arcade or a bike ride.

Zach's POV

Today's date was going to be awesome. I decided to take her to an arcade cause why not? I want to try and win her one of those big stuffed animals again. She still has the flash one from Six Flags. I dressed in Nike shorts, sneakers (not matching), a sweatshirt, and did my hair the normal way it would be done.

After about another 30 minutes of trying to perfect my looks for Dylan, I drove to their house. When I opened it up all the girls besides Dylan were standing with their arms crossed looking at me. They give me the same lecture over and over and over again before each date.

Z: yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it if I hurt her you'll hurt me.
A: good we're on the same page.

I rolled my eyes and watched as they all dispersed to reveal Dylan in jean shorts, a baseball cap, mix matched sneakers, and a long sleeve shirt.

Z: are you mimicking me?
Dy: maybe?
Z: your lucky I like you
Dy: or else?
Z: or else I would sue you for copying my trend.
Dy: honey, it's not trending. I just wanted to see what it would feel like walking around in two different shoes in public.
Z: bully!
Dy: awe I'm sorry

She pulled me into a hug and I grabbed her hand. We walked to the car and got in.


When we pulled up to the arcade Dylan's eyes widened.

Z: what?
Z: huh?
Z: okay?

I just laughed at her. This is why I love her. She can go straight from serious to goofy to serious again in the matter of seconds. It amazes me.

Dylan's POV

When we walked into the arcade I saw the token person and ran straight to them. I gave them 20 dollars and they gave me the amount of tokens I got for it. I refused to let Zach pay for me. I like using my own money.

I ran back to Zach to find him waiting by the wizards of oz machine. He sat down in a stool and I sat down next to him. We both played and won cards and chips for points.

Then I went to the skee ball section leaving Zach at the wizard of oz. I kept playing until someone covered my eyes and grabbed my waist. I let out a tiny yelp until I smelled the familiar cologne. I turned around and smacked Zach over the head.

Z: ow! What was that for?
Dy: for you scaring me
Z: oh


We cashed in our points and got a huge stuffed animal and a new speaker system.

On the way home, we stopped at Rita's and got ices. One fan noticed Zach there and asked for a picture. I took it and heard her ask who I was. Zach looked at me for approval and I nodded. He brought the girl over to me and started talking.
Z: Dylan, this is Rosie one of the limelights.
Dy: hi Rosie! Nice to meet you!
R: hi!
Z: Rosie asked who you were and I wanted to introduce you to Rosie.
Dy: okay?
Z: Rosie, what I tell you must be kept a secret okay? Can you promise me you won't tell anyone?
R: yes!
Z: okay. Rosie this is my girlfriend Dylan.
R: She's very pretty.
Dy: awe thank you!
Z: anyways, I'll tell you another secret that Dylan doesn't know.

Zach whispered in Rosie's ear what the secret was and she smiled widely. I'm nervous as to what he said to be honest. Only God knows what goes on in this child's head.

Zach's POV

I leaned towards Rosie and whispered in her ear that I love Dylan very much. And that I was going to ask her to move with us to Los Angelos. In response, Rosie smiled wide. I think she approves. Hopefully no one else really finds out. If they do, oh well, I am proud to have Dylan by my side.

Once we finished eating I dropped Dylan off at home and headed back to the hotel the boys and I were staying at.

When I entered the boys looked super happy.


Z: what?
Da: we got nominated for an award at the VMAS!
Z: your joking?
Ja: no we're dead serious.
Z: that's killer!
C: I already told Christina she's my date you guys should tell the others to come as your date.
Z: I'll ask Dylan tomorrow.
Ja: same here.

Hopefully Dylan will come so if we win the award, I can tell the world she is mine during the thank you speech. The award show is in two weeks. I can't wait!

Authors note:

This chapter was a filler and really bad so I'm sry. Anyways keep voting. We are nearing the end of the book😢. Anyways if I were to write a Daniel fanfic would anyone read it?

Run (Why Don't We fan fic) Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now