Chapter 3

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Zach's POV

I know for sure the boys will kill me if I actually announce the names of mystery girls ( yeah that's what I'm calling her for now.) cousin and best friend. I just have to find out who she is. I really like her after spending only 15 minutes talking. She has the sarcasm and wittiness that I love. I decided to man up and talk to the boys about announcing the girls names.

Jo: Jonah d: Daniel c: Corbyn Ja: Jack

Z: hey um, guys can we talk?
Ja: yeah, what's up?
Z: umm well you know how I went to get food since I didn't like anything on the bus?
C: yeah....
Z: well I met this girl and ..

Before I could finish, I was cut off by Jonah

Jo: hey Zach where's your sweatshirt?
Z: about that... the girl I saw there was super pretty and was freezing so I gave her my sweatshirt. She won't tell me her name unless we call her best friend and cousin on stage. So can we pleaseeeee call them on stage. Their names are Leah Monroe and Harper Smith.
D: I'm okay with it as long as this girl isn't a fan
Z: don't worry she is definitely not a fan. Before I told her who I was, she was bad mouthing us, saying how we were another stupid boy band that her cousin and best friend got obsessed with.
Ja: okay I'm down. Let's talk to the managers

Dylans POV

Harper and Leah were still laughing at me. Hopefully Zach calls them onstage. That will show them who's lying now! The concert is about to start, the lights went dim and the stage lit up with flashing lights. I had to hold my ears over the loud and obnoxious screaming of the limelight's. A video of the boys started playing on the screen as the band came onstage. After looking at all the boys I noticed Zach was looking through the crowd fast trying to look for someone. Was it me? Probably not, his girlfriend was probably there.

Later on....

Halfway through the concert Zach found the person he was looking for. They were standing near us somewhere. Harper and Leah kept flipping out since they thought he was looking at them. Believe it or not I'm enjoying myself at the concert. Laughing at Harper and Leah as they cry and praise these random boys on stage. Other girls do the same, it's hysterical.

Even later....

They were about to perform their last song when Zach stopped the band.

Z: Before we end our concert, I want to invite two lucky ladies on the stage with us. Will Leah Monroe and Harper Smith please come on stage.

Harper and Leah screamed with joy as the security guard lifted them over the barrier and escorted them to the stairs leading onto the stage. My jaw was on the floor. He actually did it. Does Zach really want to know who I am? I guess so.

Run (Why Don't We fan fic) Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now